kwaku - 2020-12-23

Version 1.5.15

kwaku - 2020-12-23

check for zero commission

jctoni - 2020-12-22

Reports updates

jctoni - 2020-12-22

Report Updates

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-22

treaty arrangement changes: closing QS / S when some shares have already been closed.. validation issues

kwaku - 2020-12-21

converted commission reserving generation to stored procedures

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-21

Account subaccount setup: sub account saving issue

jctoni - 2020-12-21

Report update

jctoni - 2020-12-21

Accounts reports updates - added Cash inflow report

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-21

important.. transansaction on treaty arrangement controller, rollback and commit..

kwaku - 2020-12-18

change: check for deleted xol records

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-12-18

WC issue fix

jctoni - 2020-12-18

report update

jctoni - 2020-12-18

Accounts Reports updates - added Acct bank cash reprots to acctonts module

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-18

treaty limit validation issue on fx and fo allocation correction

gilbert - 2020-12-18

commit changes underwriting updates

kwaku - 2020-12-18

fix: claim processing bug fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-18

commissions bug fix

jctoni - 2020-12-17

Updated a report to fix Commission duplication

jctoni - 2020-12-17

reports updates

jctoni - 2020-12-17

Reports upates

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-17

reinsurance payment oe date and createdby

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-17

treaty arrangement: disallow update of header on save

kwaku - 2020-12-17

fix: ri payment request commission calculation bux fix

kwaku - 2020-12-17

fix: commission request bc calculation bug fix

kwaku - 2020-12-17

change: policy fetching bug fix

kwaku - 2020-12-17

removed number 3

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-17

treaty arrangement minor

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-17

webconfig changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-17

treaty arrangement changes: reinsurance payment services forward and reversal record changes..

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-17

transitional txn matching more refactoring.

gilbert - 2020-12-17

commit changes update liability shares grid

kwaku - 2020-12-17

fix: added logic to check if the incoming accoount transaction details should reverse commission

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-16

auto jv reversal addons and account saving method refactoring.

gilbert - 2020-12-16


gilbert - 2020-12-16

commit changes update coInsurance leader participant endorsment model created MIGRATION INCLUDED

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-16

treaty correction log changes, share calculation and minor issue changes

kwaku - 2020-12-16

min changes

kwaku - 2020-12-16

change: mid 2021 exception

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-16


SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-16


SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-16

Migration Included Treaty Arrangement Changes: Correction Log, Ri payment , Adjustment Validations etc

kwaku - 2020-12-15

Change: added general ledger transaction and an exception to commission payable check for match details.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-15

staging functionality added

kwaku - 2020-12-15

change: completed command check to make assignee optional

kwaku - 2020-12-15

min changes

gilbert - 2020-12-15

commit change prevent endorsement premium updating reinsurance

kwaku - 2020-12-15

change log changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-15

commissions generation endpoints dev with ui

gilbert - 2020-12-14

service manage changes

gilbert - 2020-12-14

commit changes min file issues

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-14

added view for matched documents commissions generator.

kwaku - 2020-12-14

Version 1.4.15

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-14

*Migrations INcluded * DOcument Checklist CHanges : checklist product removing error, help desk changes

kwaku - 2020-12-14

changes: Changes for suppliers, claim expense and commission processing

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-11

commissions generation endpoint dev.

jctoni - 2020-12-11

updated Acct GL report

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-11

GlPosting addons

jctoni - 2020-12-11

Reports Updates

kwaku - 2020-12-11

fix: commission reserve bulk calculation bug fix

kwaku - 2020-12-11

change log update

kwaku - 2020-12-11

Version 1.4.14

kwaku - 2020-12-11

change: added matche details validation exclusion for posting of account transactions

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-11

unknown min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-11

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-11

Migrations INcluded Urgent treaty Arrangment Changes, help desk progress.

gilbert - 2020-12-11

min file changes

gilbert - 2020-12-10

commit changes update premium calculation moved to motor.premium.js

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-12-10

renewal search changes

kwaku - 2020-12-10

fix: survey file download link bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-12-09

policy reset changes

kwaku - 2020-12-09

change log

kwaku - 2020-12-08

Version 1.4.13x

jctoni - 2020-12-08

Update of reprots for Accounts and Intermediary reports

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-08

glposting addons

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-08

auth server url update.

kwaku - 2020-12-08

fix: claim policy history search bug fix

jctoni - 2020-12-04

Client Statement Report update

jctoni - 2020-12-04

Updated Client Statement report

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-04

transaction open entry unposted values fixes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-04

reimbursement approval trail: additional information , payee

kwaku - 2020-12-04

change log

kwaku - 2020-12-04

Version 1.4.13

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-12-04

policy migration issue fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-04

Payment Request : Upload Excel validation issue fixed.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-03

inbox and GlPosting upgrades and fixes.

kwaku - 2020-12-03

fix: removed required check for completed commission request processing

kwaku - 2020-12-03

fix: added validation to prevent update of settlement after credit note is raised

gilbert - 2020-12-03

commit changes excess migration issue

jctoni - 2020-12-03

Report update

kwaku - 2020-12-03

fix: update migration search to show correct system policy number

kwaku - 2020-12-03

Version 1.4.12

kwaku - 2020-12-03

change: added agilis policy numbers to policy search parameters

kwaku - 2020-12-03

config update

kwaku - 2020-12-03

min changes

kwaku - 2020-12-03

change log updates

kwaku - 2020-12-02

Version 1.4.11

kwaku - 2020-12-02

changes: projct config changes

jctoni - 2020-12-02

Updated Reports - Claims settled detailed and summary reports

gilbert - 2020-12-02

commit changes updates set allocation close flag to no at endorsement

kwaku - 2020-12-02

fix: claim bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-12-02

fixed CIL issues

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-02

updated connection string

jctoni - 2020-12-02

Reports update - Added PolicyTechnical profitability report

jctoni - 2020-12-02

Added intermediary product reprots and updated the report layout links

kwaku - 2020-12-01

Version 1.4.10

kwaku - 2020-12-01

fix: commission payment request and claim processing bug fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-01

treaty arrangement: minor fix for allocation correction , wrong share percentage affecting calculation issue fixed

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-01

ongoing treaty arrangemment issues resolution

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-12-01

EAR cover search fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-01

routine commit

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-01

more condition refactoring

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-01

condition update

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-01

updated endpoint

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-01

batch exchange rate changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-12-01

batch exchange rates

kwaku - 2020-12-01

feature: premium register fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-12-01

batch updates endpoint

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-30

routine commit

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-30


kwaku - 2020-11-30

fix: underwriting and accounts bug fixes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-30

reinsurance payment changes: fetchh all ri payments, fix for fac not showing

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-30

engineering and general accident fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-30

fixed EAR premium calculation issue

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-30

fixed marine endorsement issues; fixed PVT saving issue

kwaku - 2020-11-30

fix: currency prevailing rate search bug fix

gilbert - 2020-11-30

commit changes updates

gilbert - 2020-11-30

commit changes min

gilbert - 2020-11-30

webconfig changes

kwaku - 2020-11-29

Version 1.4.9

jctoni - 2020-11-29

Added Daily Review Report

kwaku - 2020-11-29

fix: Accounts bug fixes

kwaku - 2020-11-29

Version 1.3.9

kwaku - 2020-11-29

fix: co insurance leader approval bug fix

kwaku - 2020-11-29

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-29

fix: removed +233 from customer phone number when posting to MID

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-27

case number search and doc no search multi txn adjustments.

gilbert - 2020-11-27

commit changes update coInsurance leader changes

gilbert - 2020-11-27

commit changes undoendorsement engineering updates

gilbert - 2020-11-27

increase risk discription cols

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-27

fire risk desc migration issue fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-27

added customer search modal

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-27

Reinsurance Payment Request: Hiding comminssion records and ony showing payable.

gilbert - 2020-11-27

commit changes update undoendorsement marine cargo and engineering

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-27

min changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-27

motor renewal RI issue fix

kwaku - 2020-11-27

Version 1.2.8

kwaku - 2020-11-27

fix: wrong foreign key assignment to match detail generation api

jctoni - 2020-11-27

Report update

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-26

treaty Arrangment: RI search refactoring, posting non 0 commissions, minor issues fix with treaty setup.js

kwaku - 2020-11-26

changes: removed check for posted transactions

kwaku - 2020-11-26

change: added egl calculation to match details generation

jctoni - 2020-11-26

Added Commission report for Commission differences between default and NIC

kwaku - 2020-11-26

match details generation api

kwaku - 2020-11-26

changes: match details generation updates

gilbert - 2020-11-26

commit changes update unendorsment marine hall and marine cargo

kwaku - 2020-11-26

change: change log updates

gilbert - 2020-11-26

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-11-26

commit changes commision changes update button

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-26

single receipting matching fixes.

kwaku - 2020-11-26

Version 1.2.7

jctoni - 2020-11-25

Added Motor risk Register Report

kwaku - 2020-11-25

csproj changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-25

match detail generation endpoint dev.

kwaku - 2020-11-25

version change

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-25

treaty Arrangement Changes: Update History records, set renewal and endorrsement states on new allocations and shares

kwaku - 2020-11-25

feat: added version to all layouts

gilbert - 2020-11-25

commit changes undo GA

kwaku - 2020-11-25

feature: application version display

jctoni - 2020-11-25

Report update

jctoni - 2020-11-25

Added Road Side Assistance report

gilbert - 2020-11-25

commit changes update general accident unendorsement updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-25

engineering models and history changes; MIGRATIONS INCLUDED!!!!!

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-25

treaty arrangement changes: Update treaty head SI and premium on save to reflect correction..

kwaku - 2020-11-25

version change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-25

min changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-25

marine endorsement error fixes

kwaku - 2020-11-25

fix: claim processing bug fixes

gilbert - 2020-11-25

commit changes undoendorsement update bonds

gilbert - 2020-11-25

undo endorsement bond, home owners, liability, liability workmen

kwaku - 2020-11-25

change: check for zero commission when posting FIN policies

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-25

min changes

jctoni - 2020-11-25

Receipt Update to include Reference Document

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-25

Minor Login Issues: ajax.util issue, service manager

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-25

version change

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-24

Reinsurance Changes: RI payment Request select pay modes sseperately, 2. RI not all policies open when open policy is selected, 3. ri search refinement

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-24

updated match detail generation endpoint to accept collection.

jctoni - 2020-11-24

Reports Updates from Edmund

jctoni - 2020-11-24

Reports updates for Premium Register and BankCash

kwaku - 2020-11-24

added code to dispplay applicatin version

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-24

account transactions and match details generation endpoint refactoring.

jctoni - 2020-11-24

Reports Update

kwaku - 2020-11-24

version change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-24

liability fees removal fix

kwaku - 2020-11-24

feature: added version number to application layout

kwaku - 2020-11-24

publish changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-24

Account report GL Listing: Null reference throwing error issue fixed

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-24

premium calculation corrections

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-24

policy approval commission null reference check

kwaku - 2020-11-24

min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-24

web config changes

kwaku - 2020-11-24

fix: policy approval for co-insurance and fac in bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-24

min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-24

dashboard setup changes: petty cash cashier request state not loading pv solved

kwaku - 2020-11-24

system config changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-24

refinement treaty arrangement: treaty arrangement search

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-24

dashboard.setup: Pettycash undid changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-24

Customer Phone VAlidation: Corporate customer phone number lengh validation. Payment request cashier payment form

kwaku - 2020-11-23

change: removed matching validation for non insurance transactions

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-23

added an endpoint for matched details generation.

gilbert - 2020-11-23

bond unendorsement

gilbert - 2020-11-23

commit changes update bonds endorsment

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-23

Migration Included RI Update History on save: HIstory Share Inherits from share base. update history record on save

jctoni - 2020-11-23

Report connection string updates

kwaku - 2020-11-23

version change

kwaku - 2020-11-23

fix: commission payment request bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-23

WC risk fee issue fix

kwaku - 2020-11-23

change: updated version number

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-23

Treaty Arrangement setup: Adjust Narration not showing

kwaku - 2020-11-23

change: updated service manager to include version number

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-23

min changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-23

marine cargo deleted change

kwaku - 2020-11-23

change: regenerated service manager min files

kwaku - 2020-11-23

change: publish changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-23

Account Gl Listing : Check Status for active records only

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-23

external document fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-23

receiptjson CRTE_BY fixes.

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-23

minor account reporting

kwaku - 2020-11-23

change: updated commission request form

kwaku - 2020-11-23

changes: publishing change

kwaku - 2020-11-22

added change log

kwaku - 2020-11-21

  1. claim status query bug fix 2. commission reserving fix service review

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-20

treaty arrangement, correction form. migrated and unmigrated ri changes. adjustment issues

gilbert - 2020-11-20

commit changes updates undoendorsement

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-20

external adjustments fixes

kwaku - 2020-11-20

missing commission details fix completed

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-20

underwriting premium calculation fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-20

transitional receipt fixes.

kwaku - 2020-11-20

min changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-20

deposit and transitional receipting error fixes.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-20

added extra catch block.

kwaku - 2020-11-19

added end point to generate commission request details

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-19

attachement deletion fix. invoice registraation and payment request

kwaku - 2020-11-19

account transaction processing page bug fix

kwaku - 2020-11-19

reversed policy migration

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-19

saving fixes.batch receipting and payment addons.

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-19

Changes Treaty Arrangement revert changes commission deduction

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-19

receipt saving fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-19

minor issues, task assignement and make and model form changes

jctoni - 2020-11-18

report updates

kwaku - 2020-11-18

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-11-18

  1. restored policy migration policy number check 2. fix controller end points method changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-18

migrations on engineering

gilbert - 2020-11-18

commit changes include migration tra fees name added

gilbert - 2020-11-18

commit changes undoendorsment motor, travel, fire, pa

kwaku - 2020-11-18

reversed migration query

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-18

request purpose issues

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-18

routine commit

kwaku - 2020-11-18

  1. audit service loggin bug fix 2. added feedbak to indicate xol could not be fetched for claim processing

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-18

invoice registration quick fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-18

reinsurance payment request , treaty arrangement substract commission on post

kwaku - 2020-11-18

fix service changes

kwaku - 2020-11-18

  1. added policy migration min files 2. added fix for migration policy numbers

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-17

account gl listing changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-17

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-17

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-17

reinsurance payment request changes

kwaku - 2020-11-17

fix services changes

kwaku - 2020-11-17

gl posting bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-17

fixed FAC Inward RI Calculation issue

kwaku - 2020-11-17

added fix api to update intermediaried that have been wrongfully set on a policy and posted to accounts

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-17

match before posting batch check fix.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-17

match before posting extra tweaks.

kwaku - 2020-11-17

gl posting matching check

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-17

match before posting restrictions tweak.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-17

added new extra missing properties.

kwaku - 2020-11-17

stimulsoft version change

kwaku - 2020-11-16

removed missing mrt file

jctoni - 2020-11-16

stimulft Updated to 2020.5.1 version

kwaku - 2020-11-16

ri modal changes

jctoni - 2020-11-16

reports updates

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16

treaty arrangement commision bc issue fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-16

autogenerated min file

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-16

match before posting fix.

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16

minor ri payment request fix

gilbert - 2020-11-16

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-11-16

commit changes update motor fees updates

kwaku - 2020-11-16

  1. added renewal and endorsement columns to to claim policy search grid 2. fixed estimate fc currency validation

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16


SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-16

increased length of risk desc for liability

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-16

increased liability desc length

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-16

autogenerated min files

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-16

increased liability description field length

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-16

matching before posting & main account input clearance on flag change.

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16

reimbursement issue quick fix

kwaku - 2020-11-16

min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16

minor disbursement changes

kwaku - 2020-11-16

fix server update

kwaku - 2020-11-16

  1. Added ignore for duplicate gl records to gl gate

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16

minor account gl listing

jctoni - 2020-11-16

report changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16

web config

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16

min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16

minor invoice reg

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-16

Migrations Included Reinsurance payment request

kwaku - 2020-11-15

removed old projeccts

kwaku - 2020-11-14

  1. added negotiation shet to claim settlement 2. mid posting bug fix 3. policy server saving bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-13

engineering car add cover issue fix

gilbert - 2020-11-13

commit changes update fire

kwaku - 2020-11-12

  1. added fix to delete policy account details. 2. general agents posting to open entry bug fix. 3. sub account bug fix.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-12

bank charges fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-12

Transitional open entry fac option added.

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-12

general accident premium issue fix

kwaku - 2020-11-11

min chnages

kwaku - 2020-11-11

  1. commission request duplicate fix 2. claim estimate covers big fix 3. claim status query fully setup

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-11

policy migration claims fixes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-11

ongoing reinsurance payment

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-11

reimbursement fix, reinsurance payment start

kwaku - 2020-11-10

  1. underwriting workflow user selection refactoring for underwriting

gilbert - 2020-11-10

commit changes update

gilbert - 2020-11-10

commit changes min

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-10

workflow users dropdown tweaks.

kwaku - 2020-11-10

dashboard fix removed workflow user dropdown async code

jctoni - 2020-11-10

reports Updates

kwaku - 2020-11-10

account bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-10

autogenerated min files.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-10

inbox items loading

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-10

underwriting coinsurance updates

kwaku - 2020-11-10

zero commission bug fix

kwaku - 2020-11-09

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-11-09

co insurance member commission posting bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-09

inbox process users modal.

kwaku - 2020-11-09

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-09

  1. commission payment request payment currency sellection bug fix 2. fix service check for commissions posting 3. commission generation policy fee subtraction

gilbert - 2020-11-09

commit changes policy modal

gilbert - 2020-11-09

commit changes updates underwriting changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-09

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-09

Migration Included OutStandings. Intermediary issues

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-09

policy service model changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-09

homeowners coinsurance issue fix

gilbert - 2020-11-09

commit changes updates commission fire

kwaku - 2020-11-09

min changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-09

general accident saving issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-09

general accident changes

kwaku - 2020-11-09

commission payment request payment currency selection bug fix

gilbert - 2020-11-09

commit changes fire feature updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-09

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-09

coinsurance endorsement changes

kwaku - 2020-11-09

  1. batch receipting bug fix

kwaku - 2020-11-09

approval intermediary commission posting bug fix

kwaku - 2020-11-09

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-09

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-09

claim processing setup minification bug fix

jctoni - 2020-11-09

reports updates

kwaku - 2020-11-09

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-09

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-11-09

removed bundling for claim processing setup

kwaku - 2020-11-08

  1. updated fetching of inbox items with store procedures 2. updated connection to point to new db ip

kwaku - 2020-11-08

wen config changes

kwaku - 2020-11-08

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-08

added migration for settlement negotiation sheet settlement expense bug fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-07

treaty arrangement changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-07

inbox enhancements

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-07

added coins comm to endorsement grid

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-07

policy modals

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-07

added coinsurance commission field to endorsement table; other updates

gilbert - 2020-11-06

changes travel min

gilbert - 2020-11-06

commit changes updates

gilbert - 2020-11-06

commit changes update fire changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-06

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-06

general accident issue fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-06

invoice reg upload validation. payment request upload validation

gilbert - 2020-11-06

min changes updates

gilbert - 2020-11-06

commit changes fire

gilbert - 2020-11-06

commit changes update payment process changes

gilbert - 2020-11-06

commit changes min and webconfig

gilbert - 2020-11-06

merge conflict resolved

kwaku - 2020-11-06

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-06

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-06

claim approval bug fix

jctoni - 2020-11-06

reports upts

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-05

process search changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-05

process search

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-05

reassignment and task toggle

gilbert - 2020-11-05

min changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-05

claims migration issue fixes

gilbert - 2020-11-05

min changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-05

policy migration changes

gilbert - 2020-11-05

commit changes update schedulepayment and Pa changes includes migrations

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-05

process search changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-05

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-05

migration issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-05

added migration history fix

jctoni - 2020-11-05

Report Menu Update

kwaku - 2020-11-05

added commission reject workfow inbox bug fix

jctoni - 2020-11-05

Report updates

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-05

invoice registration search fix

gilbert - 2020-11-05

commit changes updates pa fac updates

kwaku - 2020-11-05

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-04

commission payment request bug fix added tranasction for payment request saving

jctoni - 2020-11-04

Report Updates

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-04

separate inbox-outbox items endpoint service impl

kwaku - 2020-11-04

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-04

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-11-04

added stored procedure to fetch policy for workflow notifications

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-04

added prem reg check at saving

kwaku - 2020-11-04

min changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-04

RI calcualtion error fix

kwaku - 2020-11-04

  1. Commissions payment request processing bug fixes. 2. Claim processing assesment bug fix.

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-04

unknown min

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-11-04

inbox stored procedures

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-04

dashboard changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-04

bond FACin cover issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-04

engineering and bonds fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-04

added policy risk history search for claims fixed engineering fees issue

kwaku - 2020-11-04

min changes

jctoni - 2020-11-04

Report update

kwaku - 2020-11-03

match details refference document date bug fix

gilbert - 2020-11-03

commit changes update fire changes

kwaku - 2020-11-03

claim payment removed check for payment mode

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-03

endorseent policy period check issue fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-03

unknown min

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-03

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-03

underwriting premium calculation changes

gilbert - 2020-11-03

commit changes unknown changes

gilbert - 2020-11-03

commit changes include migration

gilbert - 2020-11-03

commit changes min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-03

payment request fix

gilbert - 2020-11-03

commit changes updates fire changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-03

payment request pv creation issue fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-03

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-03

cash count fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-03

WC calculation fix

kwaku - 2020-11-02

claim payment bug fixes

gilbert - 2020-11-02

commit changes update motor, Pa changes

kwaku - 2020-11-02

removed wrong namespace from repo t4 template

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-02

underwriting premium recalculation changes

kwaku - 2020-11-02

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-11-02

policy approval date fix issue

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-02

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-02


gilbert - 2020-11-02

include cash count

gilbert - 2020-11-02

commit changes included productionGroup

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-02

homeowners fees calculation fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-11-02

history search and documents changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-02

homwoners fees issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-02

homeowners locaation summary fix

kwaku - 2020-11-02

claim task asignment adjustment

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-02

homeowners location fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-02

home owners summarization fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-02

homeowners location risk and prem calc issue fix

gilbert - 2020-11-02

commit changes update pa group

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-02

notification changes

gilbert - 2020-11-02

commit changes migration include

gilbert - 2020-11-02

commit changs update fire changes

kwaku - 2020-11-02

git ignore

kwaku - 2020-11-02

minor changes

jctoni - 2020-11-02

report update changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-11-01

marine underwriting search filtering

kwaku - 2020-11-01

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-01

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-01

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-01

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-01

min changes

kwaku - 2020-11-01

  1. added system error reporting and error id 2. dashboard exchanges rate procecssinig bug fix

jctoni - 2020-11-01

Reports Updates

jctoni - 2020-11-01

Report changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-31

fixed endorsement duplication issue notifications updates

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-30

claim status query

kwaku - 2020-10-30

min chnages

jctoni - 2020-10-30

FacClosing Report change

kwaku - 2020-10-30

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-30

payment request bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-30

removed unused code

gilbert - 2020-10-30

minor fire min changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-30

endorsement approval premium issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-30

endorsement approval prem issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-30

notification changes

kwaku - 2020-10-30

added on change event for fetching workflow commands

jctoni - 2020-10-30

report change

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-30

unknow min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-29

claim payment change , minor product

jctoni - 2020-10-29

Report update

gilbert - 2020-10-29

commit changes update motor pab updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-29

add images to notifications

jctoni - 2020-10-29

Reports Upates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-29

policy migration issue check fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-29


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-29

engineering fees

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-29


SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-29

petty cash CR main account fetch changes

kwaku - 2020-10-29

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-29

project changes

kwaku - 2020-10-29

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-29

claim settlement credit note reversal bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-29

account details duplication fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-29

homeowners risk fees functionality

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-29

claimpayment changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-29

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-29

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-29

migration homeowners redirection fix

kwaku - 2020-10-29

csproj changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-29

IMPORTANT invoice approval page view files

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-29

homeowners issue fixes

kwaku - 2020-10-29

added duplciate check for commissions fix

gilbert - 2020-10-29

commit changes min

gilbert - 2020-10-29

commit changes updates

gilbert - 2020-10-29

commit changes updates fire endorsement approval

gilbert - 2020-10-29

min changes

gilbert - 2020-10-29

commit changes updated pa unname

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-29

notifications setup changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-28

open entry receipt doc creation fixes.

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

send notifications UI

jctoni - 2020-10-28

commssion Reports Updates

kwaku - 2020-10-28

min changes

jctoni - 2020-10-28

Commission report Changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

liablity risk fees

kwaku - 2020-10-28

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-10-28

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-28

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-28

commission request working

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

mssql csproj error fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

endorsement issue fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

no changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-28

regular commit

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

liability endorsement approval issue fix

gilbert - 2020-10-28

commit changes update include unknown migration

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

liability endorsement fee issue fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-28


SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-28

invoice registration changes

kwaku - 2020-10-28

commission gl and open entry generation

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

add general accident risk fees functionality

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-28

minor fixes treaty proportional setup, reject policy changes,

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

no changes

kwaku - 2020-10-28

  1. added stored procedures to commission fix 2. publishing bug fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-28

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-27

added policy changes global notifications init

jctoni - 2020-10-27

Report link change

gilbert - 2020-10-27

commit changes covers update fire

kwaku - 2020-10-27

commission payment request bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-27

added distinct to commission generation to prevent duplication

gilbert - 2020-10-27

commit changes updates motor coinsurance

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-27


kwaku - 2020-10-27

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-27

added end point to fetch user pending claim settlement for payment

kwaku - 2020-10-27

  1. underwriting workflow fetching of users for a specific comman 2. underwriting commission reserve generation fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-27

petty cash disbursement minor amount field disabled during request state

gilbert - 2020-10-27

commit changes update pa

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-27

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-27

WC premium calculation issue fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-27

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-27

unknow min

kwaku - 2020-10-27

added underwriting commission fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-26

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-26

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-26

merge conflict

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-26


SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-26

policy modal

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-26

policy modal

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-26

Migration Included task reminder logger, minor fixes, Account formula fix. intermediary query.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-26

user roles fetching front-end tweaks

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-26

user roles frontend ui tweaks.

kwaku - 2020-10-26

added office and from-date to commission payment request filters

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-26

no actual changes

kwaku - 2020-10-26

settlement recoveries bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-26

motor renewals processing fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-26

liability change

kwaku - 2020-10-26

workflow user fetshing revert

gilbert - 2020-10-26

commit changes pa endorsement fee cancellation updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-26

WC saving error fix WC risk fees updates

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-26

policy modal

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-26

minor approval modal changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-26

WC endorsement issue fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-26

ongoing task changes

gilbert - 2020-10-26

commit changes schedule payment changes

kwaku - 2020-10-26

settlement recoveries update

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-26

bonds fees changes CPM history table changes migrations included

kwaku - 2020-10-26

added claim approval check for zero settlement amounts

kwaku - 2020-10-26

passed request object to error logger

kwaku - 2020-10-26

settlement recovery amounts and currency bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-26

workflow process users frontend tweaks.

jctoni - 2020-10-26

reports updates

kwaku - 2020-10-26

removed disabled attribute from hidden inputs

kwaku - 2020-10-25

added migration fix for settlement

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-25

policy modals changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-25

fix premium RI SI and Prem fix

kwaku - 2020-10-25

added settlement recovery fees

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-23

motor renewal search fix migrations included

gilbert - 2020-10-23

commit changes updates motor schedule payment changes

gilbert - 2020-10-23

commit changes motor schedule payment setup

kwaku - 2020-10-23

added bulk commission generation

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-23

undw approval checklist changes for required and unrequired check list items

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-23

unknown min

gilbert - 2020-10-23

commit changes policy modal

gilbert - 2020-10-23

commit changes minor changes motor

kwaku - 2020-10-23

commission ledger matched detail foreign key bug fix underwriting global service min confilct bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-23

included claims.processing.setup.min.js

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-23

fixed intermediary commission duplication isse

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-22

minor changes approval modal

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-22

minor approval modal

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-22

minor approval checklist

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-22

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-22

web config

kwaku - 2020-10-22

commission generation final fix

gilbert - 2020-10-22

commit changes include migration schedule payment history

kwaku - 2020-10-22

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-22

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-10-22

schedule payment ready for testing

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-22

policy modal form

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-22

MIGRATIONS INCLUDED policy approval checklist, underwriting help document setup

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-22

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-22

marine cargo fix

kwaku - 2020-10-22

added negotiation model

gilbert - 2020-10-22

motor schedule payment automatic save at approval

gilbert - 2020-10-22

commit changes update schedule payment updates

kwaku - 2020-10-22

schedule payment approval bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-22

motor renewal fix marine, aviation model changes, migrations included

kwaku - 2020-10-22

claim processing risk selection bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-22

publish changes

gilbert - 2020-10-22

commit changes update schedule payment

gilbert - 2020-10-22

commit changes update motor changes

kwaku - 2020-10-22

minor changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-21

commissions,reversals fixes.

kwaku - 2020-10-21

updated slow commission payment request query

kwaku - 2020-10-21

resolved commission not posting issue

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-21

policy modals changes

kwaku - 2020-10-21

  1. added correct route for schedule approval 2. added captured by to policy details form

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-21

underwriting agent commissions changes

gilbert - 2020-10-21

commit changes update schedule payment service changes

jctoni - 2020-10-21

Reports Updates

gilbert - 2020-10-21

unknown min

gilbert - 2020-10-21

commit changes update schedule payment

kwaku - 2020-10-21

added check previously paid shcedule items at approval

kwaku - 2020-10-21

added fee seperation logic for schedule payment approval logic

kwaku - 2020-10-21

completed approval of shedule payments

kwaku - 2020-10-21

policy migration covers fetching inclusion

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-21

extended clause description length

kwaku - 2020-10-20

removed intermediary at policy header

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-20

unmatcted commission changes

kwaku - 2020-10-20

removed agency and covers for motor migration

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-20

endorsement updates button disable changes

kwaku - 2020-10-20

claim settlement assignment bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-20

claim settlement creation bug fix in progress

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-20

P&M CIL changes and fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-20

P&M CIL issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-20

no changes

kwaku - 2020-10-20

min changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-20

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-20

no changes

kwaku - 2020-10-20

fixed policy saving migration check

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-20

plant and machinery CIL issue fixes

kwaku - 2020-10-20

claim policy search bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-20

min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-20

unmatched commissions changes

kwaku - 2020-10-20

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-10-20

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-20

  1. claim settelement bug fix for credit note creation 2. claims payment search completed

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-20

bug fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-19

unknown min

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-19

Inbox filtering fixes and open entry updates

kwaku - 2020-10-19

fix controller commission generation api update

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-19

unmatched commission search changes

gilbert - 2020-10-19

include migration

gilbert - 2020-10-19

commit changes update adjustment at endorsement cancelation

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-19

unknown csprog

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-19

unmatched commissions form

kwaku - 2020-10-19

fix service null refference fix

kwaku - 2020-10-19

updated code dom nugget package

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-19

renewal register migrations

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-19

car fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-19

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-19

engineering CAR fix

kwaku - 2020-10-19

publishing chnages

kwaku - 2020-10-19

min chnages

kwaku - 2020-10-19

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-19

minor changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-19

auto generated min files

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-19

deposit transaction, multi txn and default account fixes.

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-19

tpl risk fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-19

fixed marine hull saving issue

kwaku - 2020-10-19

claim processing negotiated settlement amount opening

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-19

underwriting risk removal changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-19


SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-19

unmatched commission query form

kwaku - 2020-10-19

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-19

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-10-19

bundle config correction

kwaku - 2020-10-19

  1. policy migration bug fix 2. added unmatched commission generation and posting api's

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-19

no changes

kwaku - 2020-10-19

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-19

publishing changes

jctoni - 2020-10-19


kwaku - 2020-10-19

policy migration bug fix commission generation for unmatched transactions

kwaku - 2020-10-18

  1. claim saving bug fix 2. claim recovery bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-18

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-17

WC endorsement PA migration fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-17

workflow notification updates

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-17

process search form

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-17

policy migration changes

kwaku - 2020-10-17

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-17

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-10-17

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-17

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-10-17

claim issues fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-16

petty cash and gllisting changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-16

renewal init fixes

gilbert - 2020-10-16

changes update on policy service model

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-16

unknown migration changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-16

policy history mdl exception thrown

kwaku - 2020-10-16

csproj changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-16

account gl listing changes

gilbert - 2020-10-16

commit changes updates risk changes

kwaku - 2020-10-16

claim bug fixes removed anti forgery token

jctoni - 2020-10-16

Report changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-15

co-insurance fixes

gilbert - 2020-10-15

commit changes update motor unendorse

gilbert - 2020-10-15

Include migration motor changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-15

ri search refactoring

kwaku - 2020-10-15

csproj changes

jctoni - 2020-10-15

reports changes

jctoni - 2020-10-15

Report updates

kwaku - 2020-10-15

removed missing header image

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-15

liability facIn fix

kwaku - 2020-10-15

claim processing general accident risk selection bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-15

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-10-15

web config changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-15

public liability changes

kwaku - 2020-10-15

single receipting workflow bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-15

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-15

public liability fixes

kwaku - 2020-10-15

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-15

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-15

publishing changes

jctoni - 2020-10-15

Report changes

kwaku - 2020-10-15

min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-15

minor petty cash changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-15

no changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-15


SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-15

payment request search from date to date

gilbert - 2020-10-15

include migration coinsurance added columns

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-15

payee fixes

kwaku - 2020-10-14

reomved motor min

jctoni - 2020-10-14

GL reprot updates

kwaku - 2020-10-14

removed motor min

kwaku - 2020-10-14

removed motor min

jctoni - 2020-10-14

report changes

jctoni - 2020-10-14

reports updates

kwaku - 2020-10-14

min changes

jctoni - 2020-10-14

report Changes

kwaku - 2020-10-14

removed policy motor minification

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-14

claims migration changes engineering endorsement issue fix

gilbert - 2020-10-14

commit changes updates Coinsurance leader

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-14

unknown changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-14

treaty arrangement important changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-14

petty cash lov changes cash count changes

kwaku - 2020-10-14

min changes

gilbert - 2020-10-14

changes endorsement cancelation enable covers button

gilbert - 2020-10-14

commit changes CoInsurance leader

kwaku - 2020-10-14

claiim estimate creation bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-14

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-14

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-14

general accident risk-location migration fix

jctoni - 2020-10-14

report Changes

kwaku - 2020-10-14

claim settlement bug fixes

jctoni - 2020-10-14

Reports updates

jctoni - 2020-10-14

report upates

kwaku - 2020-10-14

claim payment minification bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-14

claim payment bug fix

jctoni - 2020-10-14

Reprot Cahnges

jctoni - 2020-10-14

REport Updates

jctoni - 2020-10-14


jctoni - 2020-10-14

report changes

jctoni - 2020-10-14

Reports Updates

kwaku - 2020-10-14

publish profile changes

kwaku - 2020-10-14

bulk commissions fix

kwaku - 2020-10-14

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-10-14

commission generation fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-13

treaty arrangement save fix, cash count changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-13

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-13

no changes

kwaku - 2020-10-13

csproj changes

kwaku - 2020-10-13

added non motor estimate risk details

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-13

car date change error fix location desc length migrations included

gilbert - 2020-10-13

unknown min files

gilbert - 2020-10-13

commit changes update Ri allocation check

kwaku - 2020-10-13

added marine hull claim logic

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-13

autogenerated min files commit

kwaku - 2020-10-13

outstanding non motor commision logics

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-13

Transitional printing and claims task delegation.

kwaku - 2020-10-13

  1. commissions fix 2. add claims batch payment page

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-13

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-13

engineering fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-13

payment request urgent changes

gilbert - 2020-10-12

include migration

gilbert - 2020-10-12

commit changes policy end, renew no set

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-12


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-12

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-12

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-12

fix premium issue fix engineering location approval error fix travel migration issue fix db migrations included

kwaku - 2020-10-12

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-10-12

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-12

claim settlement posting of null to gl bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-12

combobox fixes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-12

reject policy changes

kwaku - 2020-10-12

commission generation bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-12

minor chnages

kwaku - 2020-10-12

claim approval additional viewing of claim and settlement reports

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-12

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-12

customer deletion changes

gilbert - 2020-10-12

unknow min files

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-12

unknown min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-12

policy history search additional parameters

gilbert - 2020-10-12

changes webconfig

gilbert - 2020-10-12

commit changes update motor change of policy period endorsement

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-12

auto generated min files

kwaku - 2020-10-12

settlement approval bug fix

jctoni - 2020-10-12

Changes made to reports

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-12

transiitonal open entry

kwaku - 2020-10-12

modal update

kwaku - 2020-10-12

added spinner to motor update

kwaku - 2020-10-12

commission request bug fixes

jctoni - 2020-10-12

Reports changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-12

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-11

fix bond fees issue fix liablity migration issue travel migration bonds migration

gilbert - 2020-10-11

commit changes updates fire fees restructure

kwaku - 2020-10-11

  1. commission payment bug fix 2. mid sticker printing after posting bug fix 3. commission payment request bug fix

gilbert - 2020-10-11

commit changes update policy motor, fire optimize

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-11

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-09

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-09

pol num gen api quote policy pol num fix

kwaku - 2020-10-09

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-09

added migratin to increase vehicle columns

kwaku - 2020-10-09

removed exception logging

kwaku - 2020-10-09

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-09

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-09

added excluded min files

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-09

cash request file upload changes changes

jctoni - 2020-10-09

Report Schedules changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-09

bundle config change

kwaku - 2020-10-09

  1. added check for invalid treaty information 2. added credit note and pv buttons

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-09

add renewal ri heck add non-motor migrations

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-09

policy documentation and checklist changes

gilbert - 2020-10-09

commit change min changes

gilbert - 2020-10-09

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-10-09

commit changes update fire fees changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-09

main account changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-09

policy history search changes

gilbert - 2020-10-09

commit changes unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-09

unknown min change

kwaku - 2020-10-09

fire and motor bug fixes

gilbert - 2020-10-09

uat min files regenenerate

gilbert - 2020-10-09

commit changes update min files

kwaku - 2020-10-09

publishing changes

gilbert - 2020-10-09

commit changes update motor unknown shortperiod issue

kwaku - 2020-10-09

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-10-09

treaty fetching bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-08

instance per request

kwaku - 2020-10-08

commission payment request bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-08

merge conflict resolution

kwaku - 2020-10-08

minor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-08

no changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-08

treaty arrangement saving fix

kwaku - 2020-10-08

personal accident migration mapping

gilbert - 2020-10-08

policy modal changes unknown

gilbert - 2020-10-08

commit change fire updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-08

add liability WC migration make changes to liability, general accident migration

kwaku - 2020-10-08

  1. exception log changes 2. added migration increase ga transit column length

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-08

liability migration changes

kwaku - 2020-10-08

updated exception logger to prevent errors

kwaku - 2020-10-08

min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-08

unknown min changes

gilbert - 2020-10-08

commit changes extra seat load changes

jctoni - 2020-10-08

report changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-08

urgent payment request changes

jctoni - 2020-10-08

Reports changes

kwaku - 2020-10-08

merge issues for commission payment request

kwaku - 2020-10-08

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-08

commission payment request multi currency update

kwaku - 2020-10-08

minor changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-08

temporarily commented out code in progress

kwaku - 2020-10-08

added missing migration models

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-08

treaty arrangement pending fac refinement changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-08

engineering search filtering

kwaku - 2020-10-07

added attach process button to settlement

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-07

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-07

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-07

fix discount issues at underwriting add liability migration mapping

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-07

auto gen min file changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-07

transitional open-entry enhancements and multi-combobox validation.

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-07

Area Setup saving fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-07

motor risk fee setup fixes

kwaku - 2020-10-07

web config changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-07

claims grid

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-07

premium receipting fixes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-07

cash count changes

kwaku - 2020-10-07

motor mid bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-07

user validation

kwaku - 2020-10-07

web config changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-07

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-07

unknown min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-07

policy endorsement after payment bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-07

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-07

minor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-07

mo changes

kwaku - 2020-10-06

claim processing bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-07

general accident migration liability WC RI changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-06

deposit matching and transitional transaction posting fixes.

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-06

user populate grid on assign roles changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-06

policy documentations, claim policy documents, reinsurance pending sharers etc

kwaku - 2020-10-06

claim estimate cover limit bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-06

min changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-06

auto-generated min file commit

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-06

matching modal fixes

jctoni - 2020-10-06

Reports editing

kwaku - 2020-10-06

added default year of manufacture for motor migration

gilbert - 2020-10-06

unknown changes (treaty min)

gilbert - 2020-10-06

unknown changes (min)

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-06

renewal saving fix; prof indemnity issue fix

gilbert - 2020-10-06

commit changes travel issue with dates

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-06

unknown min

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-06

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-06

policy SI fix

kwaku - 2020-10-06

brown card fix for migration

jctoni - 2020-10-06

reports updates

kwaku - 2020-10-05

webconfig changes

kwaku - 2020-10-05

added update of sticker update on the vehicle

kwaku - 2020-10-05

service manager changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-06

no changes

gilbert - 2020-10-05

revert cover fetch for migrated policy

gilbert - 2020-10-05

commit changes motor avoid cover fetch for migrated policy

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-06

policy underwriting issue fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-05

marine underwriting fix fixed issues with removing risks during underwriting

kwaku - 2020-10-05

policy migration commission bug fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

treaty arrangement changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-05

normal receipting commission unmatching processing fixes.

kwaku - 2020-10-05

policy migration bug fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

treaty arrangement issue temp fix

kwaku - 2020-10-05

policy underwriting migration bug fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

auto change

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

min change

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

claim product estimate quick fix

kwaku - 2020-10-05

service manager changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-05

min file commit

kwaku - 2020-10-05

added post to accounts check

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-05

removed outstanding check to allow unmatching.

kwaku - 2020-10-05

policy migration review

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-05

Liability WC and General Accident underwriting issues fixed

kwaku - 2020-10-05

service manager changes

gilbert - 2020-10-05

commit changes update fire, motor

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

unknown min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

policy search by sysid

gilbert - 2020-10-05

commit changes fire changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05


SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

policy search changes

gilbert - 2020-10-05

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-10-05

fire add cover fix

kwaku - 2020-10-05

motor search page slow page load bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-05

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-05

min changes

jctoni - 2020-10-05

Rpeort changed

jctoni - 2020-10-05

Reports edited

kwaku - 2020-10-05

policy approval bug fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

unknown min files

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

min files

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

unknown min

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-05

reinsurance temp script changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-05

JV deposit transaction posting more fixes.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-05

commission generation fixes & DEPJV posting checks.

kwaku - 2020-10-05

minor chnages

kwaku - 2020-10-05

claim bug fixes

jctoni - 2020-10-05

report updates

gilbert - 2020-10-04

allow net premium from being zero

gilbert - 2020-10-04

commit changes prevent net premium from being zero

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-05

marine cargo underwriting fixed issue with Liability WC migrations included

kwaku - 2020-10-04

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-04

DI CONFIG lifetime scope chnage

kwaku - 2020-10-04

code review

kwaku - 2020-10-04

settlement recoveries bug fix

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-04

cash count query changes, added query all branches

kwaku - 2020-10-04

migration bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-04

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-10-04

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-04

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-04

file chnages

kwaku - 2020-10-04

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-04

bug fixes for account transaction setup

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-03

migration changes added migration type

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-03

wc fix

kwaku - 2020-10-02

min changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-02

cash count changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-02

cash count changes

gilbert - 2020-10-02

commit changes update motor changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-02

min auto changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-02

single receipting tweaks.

kwaku - 2020-10-02

policy addon benefit posting bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-02

publishing changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-02

fixed discLoad issues

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-02

treaty arragment changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-02

add new cover fixes for underwriting

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-02

min func group

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-02

functional group minor changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

min changes

gilbert - 2020-10-02

commit changes update motor covers

kwaku - 2020-10-02

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

MID si bug fix

jctoni - 2020-10-02

reports changes

jctoni - 2020-10-02

reports changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

REMOVED restriction at mid processing

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-02


jctoni - 2020-10-02

travel report changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-02

cash count changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

added 5 cedis as default premium for brown card during motor migration

kwaku - 2020-10-02

web config change

kwaku - 2020-10-02

min changes

gilbert - 2020-10-02

commit changes some refreshed min files

kwaku - 2020-10-02

set correct policy branch

gilbert - 2020-10-02

commit changes update fix premium fire issue

kwaku - 2020-10-02

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

renewal search bug fix for migrated policies

jctoni - 2020-10-02

report changes

jctoni - 2020-10-02

reports updates

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-10-02

memo setup issue fix

gilbert - 2020-10-02

web config merge conflict resolved

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-02

workflow inbox items From User feature added.

kwaku - 2020-10-02

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

min changes

kwaku - 2020-10-02

MID computation code bug fix

kwaku - 2020-10-02

mid extra tppd bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-01

fix currency conversion issues at underwriting

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-01

no changes

gilbert - 2020-10-01

update underwriting grid min changes

gilbert - 2020-10-01

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-10-01

commit changes updates lovIntermediary with Commission

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-01

more fixes.

kwaku - 2020-10-01

login caption change

kwaku - 2020-10-01

min changes

jctoni - 2020-10-01

report cahnge

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-01

fee currency conversion fix

kwaku - 2020-10-01

midi stabalization changes

kwaku - 2020-10-01

merge conflict resolution

kwaku - 2020-10-01

go live bug fixes

jctoni - 2020-10-01

Menu bar change for workflow

jctoni - 2020-10-01

Reports changes

kwaku - 2020-10-01

removed exchange round off validation

kwaku - 2020-10-01

min chnages

kwaku - 2020-10-01


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-01

functional group fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-01

policy header change

kwaku - 2020-10-01

bundling error fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-01

bonds fix

kwaku - 2020-10-01

added functional group min

kwaku - 2020-10-01

bundler changes

kwaku - 2020-10-01

minification changes

kwaku - 2020-10-01

updated security

Selom - 2020-10-01

minifying functional group scripts

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-01

input correct epayment amount

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-01

fixed bonds lov issue updated policy search grid fixed payment notification message migration included

kwaku - 2020-10-01

password hashing change to 512

gilbert - 2020-10-01

commit change fire eqzone and flood fixes

kwaku - 2020-10-01

publishing changes

Selom - 2020-10-01

task assignment minor

kwaku - 2020-10-01

min changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-10-01

added policy quote state to underwriting migrations included

kwaku - 2020-10-01

min changes

Selom - 2020-10-01

go live count down reverse

kwaku - 2020-10-01

minor changes

Selom - 2020-10-01

manufacture year validaition policy motor

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-01

lov upgrade.

gilbert - 2020-10-01

commit changes include migration RED endorsement

kwaku - 2020-10-01

  1. addon benefit premium posting 2. claim policy migration bug fix 3. mid fully functional

Selom - 2020-10-01

supplier List For aaccounts

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-01

bundling and fixes.

Selom - 2020-10-01

task assignment changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-10-01

invoice payment processing.

Selom - 2020-09-30

treaty arrangement changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-30

migration redirections for policies

kwaku - 2020-09-30

mid api integrstion bug fix

Selom - 2020-09-30

feedback minificationa and bundling changes

gilbert - 2020-09-30

commit changes update adjustment reverse

Selom - 2020-09-30

reinsurance scripts minification and bundling

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-30

routine commit.

kwaku - 2020-09-30

claim settlement workflow process assignment bug fix

Selom - 2020-09-30

merge conflict

kwaku - 2020-09-30

login count down

kwaku - 2020-09-30

  1. commission request changes 2. bundle config changes

kwaku - 2020-09-30

added bundle for claim setups

Selom - 2020-09-30

policy wording changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-30

aviation and marine hull general endorsements

gilbert - 2020-09-29

commit changes update motor, fire fix

kwaku - 2020-09-29

commissions payment request bug fix

gilbert - 2020-09-29

commit changes updated fires new issues commit

kwaku - 2020-09-29

claim settlement approval bug fix

jctoni - 2020-09-29

reports changes

gilbert - 2020-09-29

policyModal unknown changes

gilbert - 2020-09-29

commit changes update fire cover fix

jctoni - 2020-09-29

report server

kwaku - 2020-09-29

claim settlement workflow bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-29

payment changes, added flurl package

kwaku - 2020-09-29

settlement bug fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-29

role attachment setup

kwaku - 2020-09-29

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-09-29

  1. claim settlement documentation view files bug fix 2. hiding of total loss if settlment is not own damage 3. excess amount bug fix

gilbert - 2020-09-29

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-09-29

commit changes update motor schedule payment

Selom - 2020-09-29

petty cash currency changing issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-29

unknown changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-29

unknown changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-29

marine hull underwriting migrations included

kwaku - 2020-09-29

functional group setup bug fix

kwaku - 2020-09-29

  1. claims and ri processing page bug fixes 2. report layout link changes

kwaku - 2020-09-29

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-09-29

  1. removed insurance ledger record for fac in commission 2. moved fac-in commission sub ledger records into fac-in premium subledger collection

jctoni - 2020-09-29

Report changes

Selom - 2020-09-29

production group setup

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-28

invoice and transitional transaction dixes.

kwaku - 2020-09-28

claim processing for migrated policy bug fix

kwaku - 2020-09-28

report server

kwaku - 2020-09-28

  1. added spread utility 2. minified all utility files 3. claim selected data refresh

Selom - 2020-09-28

cash count

Selom - 2020-09-28

cash count minor changes

Selom - 2020-09-28

cash count changes

Selom - 2020-09-28

cash count changes

Selom - 2020-09-28

cash count changes

kwaku - 2020-09-28

project .net version change

kwaku - 2020-09-28


kwaku - 2020-09-28

added exceluded migration files

kwaku - 2020-09-28

  1. added model state errors xtensions 2. added model state validation to claims

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-27

invoice payment processing done.

kwaku - 2020-09-27

minor change

kwaku - 2020-09-27

travel script bug fix

Selom - 2020-09-27

unmoved on merge

Selom - 2020-09-27

unmoved on merge

kwaku - 2020-09-27

minor changes

Selom - 2020-09-27

unmoved merge

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-28

aviation underwriting new migrations included

Selom - 2020-09-27

Migration Included, cash count changes

kwaku - 2020-09-27

functional group bug fix

kwaku - 2020-09-27

minification changes

kwaku - 2020-09-27

mid posting completed

kwaku - 2020-09-27

mid integration success

jctoni - 2020-09-27

Reportsere changes

jctoni - 2020-09-27

Report controller changes

kwaku - 2020-09-26

report server migration into sibagen completed

kwaku - 2020-09-26

removed account transaction matching check for receipt type

kwaku - 2020-09-26

publishing changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-26

GL Posting fixes.

kwaku - 2020-09-26


kwaku - 2020-09-26

general accident bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-26

workflow role setup fixes

kwaku - 2020-09-26

migration approval bug fix

kwaku - 2020-09-26

added bi layout

gilbert - 2020-09-26

unknow changes

gilbert - 2020-09-26

commit changes updates csproj

kwaku - 2020-09-26

report server merger

kwaku - 2020-09-26

functional group user bug fix

gilbert - 2020-09-26

policyModel changes

gilbert - 2020-09-26

commit changes update addonBenefit Endorsement Include Migration

kwaku - 2020-09-26


kwaku - 2020-09-26


kwaku - 2020-09-26

report server merger

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-25

fixed bond saving issue

jctoni - 2020-09-25


kwaku - 2020-09-25

crypt changes

kwaku - 2020-09-25


kwaku - 2020-09-25

report server

kwaku - 2020-09-25

bug fix for migrated policy approval

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-25

updated kendo js script.

Selom - 2020-09-25

minor bundle error fix

Selom - 2020-09-25

bundle error fixes, cash count progress..

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-25

updated kendo dev dependencies.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-25

service manager updates.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-25

added AllowAnonymous annotation

kwaku - 2020-09-24

bundle changes

gilbert - 2020-09-24

commit changes ignore some changes

kwaku - 2020-09-24

fixed force change user password bug fix

Selom - 2020-09-24

cash count form changes

gilbert - 2020-09-24

commit changes risk premium less ncd

kwaku - 2020-09-24

removed hard coded versioning

gilbert - 2020-09-24

commit changes updated migration included cover updates

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-24

deposit transaction updates and fixes.

kwaku - 2020-09-24

added extension to add last modified token to bundled files

kwaku - 2020-09-24

  1. Bundle config error 2. migration excess bug fix

kwaku - 2020-09-24

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-09-24

  1. removed manufacture validation 2. fixed migration excess bug

Selom - 2020-09-24

cash count changes

Selom - 2020-09-24

cash count work. customer feedback and others

kwaku - 2020-09-24

policy motor setup change

gilbert - 2020-09-24

commit changes unknown migration excess percent validate

kwaku - 2020-09-24

  1. add n/a for color migration mapping 2. made body type compulsory

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-24

auth server url update.

kwaku - 2020-09-24

2fa and user profile bug fixes

kwaku - 2020-09-24

web config changes

gilbert - 2020-09-23

commit change endorsement recalcalate

gilbert - 2020-09-23

commit changes unknow policy modal

gilbert - 2020-09-23

commit changes Migration motor issue

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-23

limit check query edit

kwaku - 2020-09-23

exception report bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-23

user limit check endpoint dev.

jctoni - 2020-09-23

Report server

jctoni - 2020-09-23

Webconfig and Service Manager

kwaku - 2020-09-23

web config changes

kwaku - 2020-09-23

claim processing tree menu refresh on save

kwaku - 2020-09-23

stubborn change no wan commit

kwaku - 2020-09-23

added CSRF token to all forms

Selom - 2020-09-23

service manager

Selom - 2020-09-23

Migrations Included, feedback dashboard, customer search loading issues.

kwaku - 2020-09-23

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-09-23

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-09-23

document setup default account update bug fix

gilbert - 2020-09-23

policymodal changes

gilbert - 2020-09-23

commit changes update motor addonbenefit changes

kwaku - 2020-09-23

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-09-23

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-09-23

project reffrence fix

kwaku - 2020-09-23

workflow listing async data response refractoring

kwaku - 2020-09-23

added admin claims to setup end points

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-23

fixed WC issues

kwaku - 2020-09-22

publishing changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-22

transitional transaction fixes

Selom - 2020-09-22

auto changes

kwaku - 2020-09-22

branch petty cash fix

Selom - 2020-09-22

service tax setup issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-22

no changes

kwaku - 2020-09-22

unstaged changes

kwaku - 2020-09-22

publishing changes

Selom - 2020-09-22

minor feedback changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-22

resolved merge conflict

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-22

policy modal changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-22

epayment updates fixed issues with liability

Selom - 2020-09-22

task assignment and email validation

kwaku - 2020-09-22

webconfig changes

kwaku - 2020-09-22

webconfig changes

gilbert - 2020-09-22

commit changes updates pa changes

gilbert - 2020-09-22

commit changes underwriting uat fixes

kwaku - 2020-09-22

stubborn change

kwaku - 2020-09-22

  1. updated exception loggin to store http request data 2. completed mid processing of vehicle data 3. add claims authorization to auther server and sibagen 4. added tree ui for exception report details

Selom - 2020-09-22


gilbert - 2020-09-22

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-09-22

commit changes updates motor addon benefit setup

jctoni - 2020-09-22

toni's changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-21

fixed issue with WC

kwaku - 2020-09-21

  1. added exception logging to database 2. updated all api controllers not to return exception details 3. added underwriting audit pages 4. added exceptions report page

Selom - 2020-09-19

ri setup changes policy reject changes

kwaku - 2020-09-19

publishing changes

gilbert - 2020-09-19

commit changes policy migration check for postint

kwaku - 2020-09-19

  1. added removal of migrated policy local storage data 2. increades vehicle number length

gilbert - 2020-09-19

commit changes update UAT issues resolved

Selom - 2020-09-19

email validation

Selom - 2020-09-19

PETTY CASH form changes, invoice registration form changes, email field validations etc

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-19

transitional receipting subaccount and main account fixes.

gilbert - 2020-09-19

commit changes update uat isuse

kwaku - 2020-09-19

  1. Claim bug fixes 2. Underwriting bug fixes 3. Added hubtel sms

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-19

public liability issue fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-19

transitional receipting fixes.

gilbert - 2020-09-19

commit changes updates underwriting header

kwaku - 2020-09-19

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-09-19

minor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-19

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-19

fix renewal initialization issues

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-19

no changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-18


Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-18

command delegation command execution.

kwaku - 2020-09-18

serivice changes

kwaku - 2020-09-18

commission payment request

kwaku - 2020-09-18

publish profile update

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-18

policy renewal issues fixed

kwaku - 2020-09-18

live environment preparation

gilbert - 2020-09-18

commit changes policy modal

gilbert - 2020-09-18

commit changes updates intermediary changes

kwaku - 2020-09-18


kwaku - 2020-09-18

created dev publishing profile

kwaku - 2020-09-18

added production check to bundler

gilbert - 2020-09-18

commit changes update motor insurance type coInsurance fees issue

gilbert - 2020-09-18

commit changes

kwaku - 2020-09-18

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-09-18

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-09-18

stubborn changes that don't want to be staged

kwaku - 2020-09-18

added disabled to all hidden inputs

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-18

unknown changes.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-18

workflow command delegation.

kwaku - 2020-09-17

removed bundle config errors

Selom - 2020-09-17

customer feedback changes

kwaku - 2020-09-17

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-09-17

removed anti forgery token

kwaku - 2020-09-17

set default restrict value to true

kwaku - 2020-09-17

added minification

Selom - 2020-09-17

changes feed back form, claim product estimate setup changes

kwaku - 2020-09-17

added mid properties

kwaku - 2020-09-16

set base route in service manager

gilbert - 2020-09-16

commit changes intermediary channel fixes

gilbert - 2020-09-16

commit changes intermediary fixes, channel update

kwaku - 2020-09-16

tried to add session timeout

Selom - 2020-09-16

task assignment changes

kwaku - 2020-09-16

minor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-16

fix renewal issues

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-15

transitional transaction and added customer entries main code to filter parameters.

kwaku - 2020-09-15

  1. started mid integration 2. added xframe header to report server 3. added new videos to video manual

Selom - 2020-09-15

view document changes

Selom - 2020-09-15

task removing copy emails from list

Selom - 2020-09-15

treaty proportional setup query changes

Selom - 2020-09-15

migrations for changes

Selom - 2020-09-15

channel code filtering and intermediary form changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-14

transitional transactions

kwaku - 2020-09-14

solution changes

kwaku - 2020-09-14

policy search channel filtering fix bug fix

gilbert - 2020-09-14

commit changes migration data post should post zero to premium register

Selom - 2020-09-14

login redirection

Selom - 2020-09-14

channel name apearing fix

kwaku - 2020-09-14

added channel filtering to policy search

Selom - 2020-09-14

channel code fix at policy header, user redirection

gilbert - 2020-09-14

commit changes update travel, fire, motor uat fixes

kwaku - 2020-09-14

menu link restriction bug fix

kwaku - 2020-09-14

fire migration from agilis into siba

Selom - 2020-09-13

functional group, travel checklist changes

gilbert - 2020-09-13

commit changes update travel

gilbert - 2020-09-13

commit changes policy modal

gilbert - 2020-09-13

commit changes update travel date, dlgrid issue fix

Selom - 2020-09-13

user form saving error fixed

Selom - 2020-09-13

task assignment changes

kwaku - 2020-09-13

added check for endorsement fees posting

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-13

wc updates fixed issues with homeowners, general accident

Selom - 2020-09-13

intermediary lov search changes using channel code

gilbert - 2020-09-13

commit changes manual reset totalsuspenstionInput

Selom - 2020-09-12

user form changes , channel validation during queries

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-12

transitional transaction accounts addons

Selom - 2020-09-12

intermediary and user setup changes

gilbert - 2020-09-12

commit changes updates motor endorsement

Selom - 2020-09-12

task assignment changes

Selom - 2020-09-11

task assignment changes

kwaku - 2020-09-11

fiire migration init

gilbert - 2020-09-11

comit changes motor endorsement

gilbert - 2020-09-11

commit changes motor endorsement

kwaku - 2020-09-10

publishing changes

Selom - 2020-09-10

minor changes invoice registration

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-10

fixed homeowners fees and cover issues

kwaku - 2020-09-10

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-09-10

publishing changes

Selom - 2020-09-10

invoice registration form account traancsaction documents saving..

gilbert - 2020-09-10

commit changes endorsement fee

Selom - 2020-09-10

nuget package reinstall

Selom - 2020-09-10

Nugget Package reinstall

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-10

updated homeowners issues

Selom - 2020-09-10

minor task asignment changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-10

some changes.

jctoni - 2020-09-10

report server changes.

jctoni - 2020-09-10


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-10

fixed homeowners underwriting issues

Selom - 2020-09-10

task assignment changes and docunment model changes for invoice registration account

kwaku - 2020-09-10

minor changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-10

transitional transaction i

gilbert - 2020-09-10

commit changes update uat fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-09

reversal fixes

Selom - 2020-09-09

task management changes

gilbert - 2020-09-09

commit changes countryLoad full search

kwaku - 2020-09-09

publishing changes

gilbert - 2020-09-09

commit changes customer changes

kwaku - 2020-09-09

duplicate migration check

Selom - 2020-09-09

task assignment changes

gilbert - 2020-09-09

commit changes customer search updates

gilbert - 2020-09-09

commit changes updates previous motor risk modal

gilbert - 2020-09-09

commit changes update customer search

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-09

Liability WC upload issue fixes

gilbert - 2020-09-08

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-09-08

commit changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-08

updated WC excel template

Selom - 2020-09-08

task assignment changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-08

account receipting addons.

kwaku - 2020-09-08

null refrence check for intermediary

kwaku - 2020-09-08

added intermediary check at migration

gilbert - 2020-09-08

commit update motor details

kwaku - 2020-09-08

minor changes

gilbert - 2020-09-08

commit changes unknown migrations

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-08

WC risk upload updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-08

WC risk upload

Selom - 2020-09-07

task assignment changes

gilbert - 2020-09-07

commit changes motor endorsement changes

kwaku - 2020-09-07

added posting check for migrated policy

Selom - 2020-09-07

task assignment changes

Selom - 2020-09-07

task assignment activity grid issue fixed

Selom - 2020-09-07

task assingment changges

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-06

renewal issues fixes liablity wc updates

jctoni - 2020-09-06

routine commit

Selom - 2020-09-06

invoice reg fix

Selom - 2020-09-06

web config

Selom - 2020-09-06

task assignment changes

kwaku - 2020-09-06

web config changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-06

motor renewal batch issue fix

kwaku - 2020-09-06

added commission to policy migration data

gilbert - 2020-09-06

commit changes coInsurances fix motor

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-06

added renewal updates and fixed issues

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-05

account issues fixes

kwaku - 2020-09-05

open entry migration controller bug fix

kwaku - 2020-09-05

service changes

kwaku - 2020-09-05

service changes

kwaku - 2020-09-05

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-09-05

rate change

kwaku - 2020-09-05

pre merger changes

kwaku - 2020-09-05

migration successfully completed

gilbert - 2020-09-05

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-09-05

commit changes motor fire coInsurance complete

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-05

resolved build issues after merge.

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-05

endorsement fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-05

routine commit

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-05

transitional open entry

Selom - 2020-09-05

Task Assignment Changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-05

fixed endorsement issues

Selom - 2020-09-04

minor changes

Selom - 2020-09-04

minor changes

Selom - 2020-09-04

minor fixes

Selom - 2020-09-04

minor changees

Selom - 2020-09-04

xol issues fiixes

Selom - 2020-09-04


Selom - 2020-09-04


Selom - 2020-09-04

treaty proportional fix and ongoing work

gilbert - 2020-09-04

updates policymodal changes

gilbert - 2020-09-04

changes coInsurance updates

kwaku - 2020-09-04

data migration policy search fully functional

Selom - 2020-09-03

migration issues fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-03

product fees saving error fix

Selom - 2020-09-03

object reference null error account trasactions

kwaku - 2020-09-03

added datamigration project

kwaku - 2020-09-03

finger print generation bug fix

kwaku - 2020-09-03

policy verification bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-03

homeowners endorsement fix

gilbert - 2020-09-03

PA shortperiod uat issue

Selom - 2020-09-03

invoice registration issues. amount cum tax fix

kwaku - 2020-09-03

minor changes

gilbert - 2020-09-03

commit changes all PA endorsement

Selom - 2020-09-03


Selom - 2020-09-03

merge resolution

Selom - 2020-09-03

merge conflict resolved

Selom - 2020-09-03

region and area setups restructuring, region disaster model changed to area disaster model

kwaku - 2020-09-03

cipher bug fix

kwaku - 2020-09-03

agilis entity clean up

kwaku - 2020-09-03

added policy verification models

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-03

no changes

Selom - 2020-09-03

xol setup issues fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-03

renewal approval fixes

Selom - 2020-09-03

xol treaty form restructuring

kwaku - 2020-09-03

added security verification for policies

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-02

transitional transaction open entry table modifications

Selom - 2020-09-02

invoice registration changes

Selom - 2020-09-02

treaty proportional form restructure

Selom - 2020-09-02

treaty propotional setup form

Selom - 2020-09-02

treaty proportional form

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-02

task assignment motor

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-02

regular commit

Selom - 2020-09-02

claim product estimate setup fixes

gilbert - 2020-09-02

commit changes travel uat issues

Selom - 2020-09-02

service manafer

gilbert - 2020-09-02

commit changes uat issues updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-02

added claims files at underwriting

Selom - 2020-09-02

invoice changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-09-01

saving of transitional open entry.

kwaku - 2020-09-01

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-09-01

minor changes

gilbert - 2020-09-01

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-09-01

minor change

kwaku - 2020-09-01

rescaffolded raims models

gilbert - 2020-09-01

commit changes update endorsmentnotpostToPremregister fix

Selom - 2020-09-01

minor invoice registration

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-09-01

added Hubtel sms api keys

jctoni - 2020-09-01

Report and Acct Dashboard updates

Selom - 2020-09-01

invoice approval changes

kwaku - 2020-09-01

stimulsoft bug fix

Selom - 2020-09-01

minor changes invoice registration

kwaku - 2020-09-01

  1. added video manual page 2. added migration search page

Selom - 2020-09-01

minor fix invoice registration

Selom - 2020-09-01

minor invoice registration

Selom - 2020-09-01

minor invoice registration

gilbert - 2020-08-31

commit changes travel/motor endorsement

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-31

batch and customer payments fixes.

Selom - 2020-08-31


Selom - 2020-08-31

error resolution

Selom - 2020-08-31

merge resolution

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-31

customer and batch receipting ui alignment.

Selom - 2020-08-31

invoice registration posting and transaction level posting

jctoni - 2020-08-31


jctoni - 2020-08-31

Stimulsoft_Reports Nuget Update

gilbert - 2020-08-31

commit changes motorUAT

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-31

customer batch receipting layout alignment

kwaku - 2020-08-31

added missing migrations

gilbert - 2020-08-31

webconfig changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-31

roles fixes

gilbert - 2020-08-31

changes motor endorsement

gilbert - 2020-08-31

commit changes travelSave

Selom - 2020-08-31

miinor changes invoice registration. worflow issue with workflow constant resolved

kwaku - 2020-08-31

policy header propoerty name change

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-31

policy attachment fixes.

kwaku - 2020-08-31

web config changes

kwaku - 2020-08-31

added mapper for motor risk anc risk cover

jctoni - 2020-08-30

accounts_Dashboard Update

jctoni - 2020-08-30

Accounts Dashboard updte

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-30

policy renewal updates

kwaku - 2020-08-30

modified migrations

jctoni - 2020-08-30

policy Modal changes

kwaku - 2020-08-30

modals changes

kwaku - 2020-08-30

publishing changes

jctoni - 2020-08-30

report updates

kwaku - 2020-08-30

added migration projects

Selom - 2020-08-30

invoice changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-28

more issues fixes

gilbert - 2020-08-28

commit changes updates travel endorsement totolSuspension, reInstatment, visaRefusal fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-28

roles setup fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-28

Renewal RI changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-28

matching outstanding issues fix

Selom - 2020-08-27

minor memo

Selom - 2020-08-27

web config

jctoni - 2020-08-27

reports changes

Selom - 2020-08-27

invoice changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-27

editable grid implementation.

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-27

general accident risk changes

kwaku - 2020-08-27

publishing changes

Selom - 2020-08-27

minor product estimate fix. invoice minor

kwaku - 2020-08-27

webconfig changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-27

unknown changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-27

fix approval issue on general accident

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-27

workflow issues fixes

Selom - 2020-08-27

changes invoice registration

kwaku - 2020-08-27

commisson update for commission payable pv creation

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-27

general accident fix

Selom - 2020-08-27

invoice registration Additional changes

jctoni - 2020-08-26

Account Batch Cusomer Rvs and Payments, and Reports updates

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-26

accounting issues fixes

Selom - 2020-08-26


kwaku - 2020-08-26

webconfig changes

kwaku - 2020-08-26

  1. pa group un-named grif duplication fix 2. added button to view commissions details report

Selom - 2020-08-26

invoice registration changes. memo etc,

kwaku - 2020-08-26


kwaku - 2020-08-26

claim processing bug fixes for settlement notes and excess bought

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-26

engineering calculation fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-25

roles grid fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-25

added some notifications

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-25

added view schema button at role setup screen.

kwaku - 2020-08-25

gl gate bug bug fix for posting rounding account

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-25

more account fixes

Selom - 2020-08-25

minor changes invoice registration

Selom - 2020-08-25

invoice reegistration changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-25

more grid fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-25

multi_select grid persistence issue fix.

Selom - 2020-08-25

minor fix invoice registration

kwaku - 2020-08-25

account transaction bug fixes

Selom - 2020-08-25

Invoice processing changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-25

renewal updates for fire and pa other engineering issue fix

kwaku - 2020-08-25

web config changes

kwaku - 2020-08-25

commission payment cross currency bug fix

Selom - 2020-08-25

invoice registration processflow

gilbert - 2020-08-25

commit changes uat changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-25

normal receipting cross-currency issues.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-24

account issues fixes and workflow roles.

Selom - 2020-08-24

minor changes workflow approval

kwaku - 2020-08-24

web config changes

kwaku - 2020-08-24

publishing changes

gilbert - 2020-08-24

comit changes pa changes

kwaku - 2020-08-24

  1. added document type check for commission generation

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-24

roles addition restrictions.

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-24

homeowners section issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-24

fixed issues with bonds, engineering, ga and liability

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-24

date fixes

Selom - 2020-08-24

reimbursement issues fixes regarding memo

kwaku - 2020-08-23

completed commission payment request setup pending testing

Selom - 2020-08-23

transaction status per produc, calling the global function

kwaku - 2020-08-23

added guid utility to bundler

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-23

eng plant & machinery fix

Selom - 2020-08-23

minor changes policy header, sbu and source of business

kwaku - 2020-08-23

commission payment request release of open entry record after deleting commission request detail

Selom - 2020-08-23

sbu changges fix

kwaku - 2020-08-23

commission payment request pv creation

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-22

fees saving fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-22

account issues fixes

gilbert - 2020-08-22

commit changes updates uat issue fix

Selom - 2020-08-22

sbu source of business link at policy header

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-22

workflow attachment response fix.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-22

single receipting workspaceInbox fixes.

Selom - 2020-08-22

ownership field issues resolved

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-22

grid content-overflow and search fixes

Selom - 2020-08-22

logout at dash board

Selom - 2020-08-22

ownership field not reseting resolved

kwaku - 2020-08-22

claim processing save bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-21

date fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-21

more fixes and checks

Selom - 2020-08-21

web config

Selom - 2020-08-21

changes reimbursement memo

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-21

customer search fix at underwriting bonds premium update renewals continuation at underwriting

Selom - 2020-08-21

run t4 templae

Selom - 2020-08-21

minor change

Selom - 2020-08-21

undid changes memo at reimbursement

Selom - 2020-08-21

reimbursement memo changes

gilbert - 2020-08-21

commit changes rename pa unnamed

kwaku - 2020-08-21

  1. File viewing bug fix 2. claim task inbox assignment fix

kwaku - 2020-08-21

claim settlement currency bug fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-20

workflow user roles assignment enhancements

kwaku - 2020-08-20

claim processing settlement and assesment save bug fix

gilbert - 2020-08-20

policySearch color global function

kwaku - 2020-08-20

  1. added migration 2. commission payment request save bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-20

grid coloring fix

Selom - 2020-08-20

minor changes

Selom - 2020-08-20

approval modal backdating validation

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-20

multi-select grid date formatting

Selom - 2020-08-19

memo petty cash and invoice management

gilbert - 2020-08-19

commit changes cover filter

gilbert - 2020-08-19

commit changes updates pa latest

gilbert - 2020-08-19

commit changes webconfig

gilbert - 2020-08-19

commit changes update Fire colName, PA

kwaku - 2020-08-19

minor change

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-19

grid coloring fix

kwaku - 2020-08-19

added color to inbox

kwaku - 2020-08-19

commissions payment request save bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-19

deposit transaction match fixes and grid coloring enhancements.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-19

customer batch receipt rounding fix.

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-19

Policy modal changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-19

Fix new Bonds underwriting issues

gilbert - 2020-08-19

commit changes updates udw dl

kwaku - 2020-08-19

  1. added commission logic to workflow notification

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-18

outstanding amount rounding

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-18

deposit transaction selected open entry processing after matching fix.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-18

Batch Receipting fixes

kwaku - 2020-08-18

updated policy save method

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-18

Bond validity date issue fix

Selom - 2020-08-18

policy modal

Selom - 2020-08-18

changes policy wording view and print issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-18

Bond validity period update

kwaku - 2020-08-18

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-08-18

updated commissions to handle multiple processing

Selom - 2020-08-18

policy modal

Selom - 2020-08-18

policy documentation and checklist changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-18

chore(app): Customer batch receipting fixes.

gilbert - 2020-08-18

web config changes

gilbert - 2020-08-18

commit changes updates paUnnamed changes

kwaku - 2020-08-18

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-08-18

minor changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-18

GL Posting pay command execution fix.

Selom - 2020-08-18

minor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-18

Fix issues for Bond underwriting

Selom - 2020-08-18

account changes

Selom - 2020-08-17

minor changes account

Selom - 2020-08-17

web config

kwaku - 2020-08-17

  1. updated policy number generation to use sequence 2. claim estimate bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-17

single,normal receipting issues fixes.

Selom - 2020-08-17

product setup changes

Selom - 2020-08-17

account fix

gilbert - 2020-08-17

update uwd changes

Selom - 2020-08-17

exchange rate work flow changes

jctoni - 2020-08-17

Reports Update

Selom - 2020-08-17

exchange rate workflow changes

gilbert - 2020-08-17

PA cover code change from 10033 to 10003

kwaku - 2020-08-16

missing files

kwaku - 2020-08-16

claim expense settlement bug fixes

jctoni - 2020-08-16

workspace and reports updates

kwaku - 2020-08-16

claim processing page issues fix

gilbert - 2020-08-16

commit changes PA updates completed

kwaku - 2020-08-15

policy approval foreign currency conversion bug fix

kwaku - 2020-08-14

final approval fix

kwaku - 2020-08-14

added sub account to posting for foreign exchange transactions

Selom - 2020-08-14

exchange rate approval chages

kwaku - 2020-08-14

minor changes

jctoni - 2020-08-14


Selom - 2020-08-14

exchange rate approval changes

jctoni - 2020-08-14

reports Update

kwaku - 2020-08-14

posting bug fix for foreign currencies

jctoni - 2020-08-14

Dashboard for insurance

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-14

match details commissions savings.

gilbert - 2020-08-14

commit change motor endorsement prorated cancelation updates

gilbert - 2020-08-14

commit changes motor excess

jctoni - 2020-08-14


jctoni - 2020-08-14

Reports updates

gilbert - 2020-08-13

commit changes update endorsement FC

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-13

deposit transaction over-matching fixes

kwaku - 2020-08-13

publishing changes

gilbert - 2020-08-13

commit changes motor endorsement full cancelation

kwaku - 2020-08-13

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-08-13

added global help modal

Selom - 2020-08-13

exchange rate, customer onboardingchanges

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-13

script version update

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-13

unknown changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-13

fix motor renewal calculation issue

Selom - 2020-08-13

exchange rate changes, approval process flow

kwaku - 2020-08-13

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-08-13

  1. added migration for commission paymenr request model

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-13

fix savePolicy function merge issue

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-13

currency conversion fixes, motor renewal updates

gilbert - 2020-08-12

commit changes ncd endorsement updates

gilbert - 2020-08-12

commit changes motor pa changes

Selom - 2020-08-12

exchange rate and petty cash changes

kwaku - 2020-08-12

Added text file

kwaku - 2020-08-12

switched from static properties to session fields for policy schedule in report server

kwaku - 2020-08-12

minor changes

gilbert - 2020-08-12

commit changes mottorTarrif fix

jctoni - 2020-08-12

Workspace and Reports update

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-12

date formatting fix

kwaku - 2020-08-12

added created to policy query

kwaku - 2020-08-12

policy saving bug fix

Selom - 2020-08-12

petty cash changes minor

Selom - 2020-08-12

policy document checklist setup refinement

kwaku - 2020-08-12

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-08-12

added process id to account transaction batch

kwaku - 2020-08-12

publishing changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-11

execute command endDate dueDate fix.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-11

GL posting fixes

Selom - 2020-08-11

petty cash disbursement changes

Selom - 2020-08-11

endate workflow duedate field

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-11

GL mixed currency saving fix.

kwaku - 2020-08-11

minor change

kwaku - 2020-08-11

motor endorsement bug fix

kwaku - 2020-08-11

minor changes

Selom - 2020-08-11

policy checklist saving. customer form and search changes

kwaku - 2020-08-11

update claim estimate tracker

kwaku - 2020-08-11

added created by to claim search grid

kwaku - 2020-08-11

added underwriter to policy search grid

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-11

WC premium calculation updates

kwaku - 2020-08-11

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-08-11

minor changes

gilbert - 2020-08-11

no changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-11

gl psoting payment processing updates.

gilbert - 2020-08-11

web config changes

gilbert - 2020-08-11

web config changes

Selom - 2020-08-11

changes petty cash and policy document checklist

gilbert - 2020-08-11

commit changes third party motor

kwaku - 2020-08-11

workfow server utility bug fix

kwaku - 2020-08-11

minor change

kwaku - 2020-08-11

get user id fix

kwaku - 2020-08-11

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-08-11

updated service manager

kwaku - 2020-08-11

  1. updated user dashboard to use user id for workflow inbox

kwaku - 2020-08-11

  1. changed login hero picture 2. updated workflow utility to use user id

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-10

GL Mixed currency fixes.

kwaku - 2020-08-10

minor changes

Selom - 2020-08-10

petty cash and workflow task modal asignee dropdown

kwaku - 2020-08-10

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-08-10

  1. Used switched user code to username value 2. Updated service urls to point to training app

Selom - 2020-08-10

minor petty cash

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-10

before merge

kwaku - 2020-08-10

bug fix for account transaction saving

Selom - 2020-08-10

minor dashboard

Selom - 2020-08-10

web config

Selom - 2020-08-10

petty cash dash baord

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-10

reversal search new updates

kwaku - 2020-08-09

changed service manager for uat environment

kwaku - 2020-08-09

trimmed transaction document grid columns added mapper for fething of transaction document columns

kwaku - 2020-08-09

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-08-09

added exception for posting a document type with multiple currencies

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-09

unknown changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-09

motor renewal updates, updated homeowners history table

gilbert - 2020-08-09

commit changes nochange

gilbert - 2020-08-09

motor, fire, Pa, trave code refactor

kwaku - 2020-08-08

motor endorsement bug fix

kwaku - 2020-08-08

minor change

Selom - 2020-08-08

policy cheacklist savinng at underwriting resolution

Selom - 2020-08-07

petty cash changes , policy documentation history models, reimbursement change

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-07

reversal search save works

kwaku - 2020-08-07

minor changes

gilbert - 2020-08-07

dlmdl fetch default

gilbert - 2020-08-07

commit change uat issues fixed

kwaku - 2020-08-06

minor changes

Selom - 2020-08-06

connection string

Selom - 2020-08-06

petty cash minor change

Selom - 2020-08-06

changes policy documents , checklist udw checklist

kwaku - 2020-08-06

changed service manager to point to new training website

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-06

routine commit

kwaku - 2020-08-06

minot changes

gilbert - 2020-08-06

commit changes fire changes

kwaku - 2020-08-06

claim processing updates for traning

kwaku - 2020-08-06

web config changes

jctoni - 2020-08-05

menu Change

Selom - 2020-08-05

minor changes petty cash

Selom - 2020-08-05

fixes after syncing errors

Selom - 2020-08-05

minor fixes after sync

Selom - 2020-08-05

underwriting document changes

Selom - 2020-08-05

policy documents changes

kwaku - 2020-08-05

updated login page

kwaku - 2020-08-05

completed internal and external auto adjustment

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-05

mixed currency

Selom - 2020-08-05

policy modals

Selom - 2020-08-05

ppolicy document changes

gilbert - 2020-08-04

commit changes fire location map

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-04

Fix engineering risk issues

Selom - 2020-08-04

policy document checklisst work

gilbert - 2020-08-04

commit changes update motor fixed uat

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-03

customer batch payment fixes.

gilbert - 2020-08-03

commit changes fire maintanance load updates

kwaku - 2020-08-03

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-08-03

minor changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-03

policy rejection button func.

kwaku - 2020-08-03

successfully switched to new underwriting workflow schema

gilbert - 2020-08-03

commit changes updates fire maintenance load

gilbert - 2020-08-03

updates quotes global grid

gilbert - 2020-08-03

changes quotes global grid

gilbert - 2020-08-03

commit changes riskCoverModal

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-03

underwriting instance attachment fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-03

workflow enhancements

gilbert - 2020-08-03

commit changes updates quotes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-03

add location risk views and api

kwaku - 2020-08-03

refactored confirmation to use a concreated class instead of a jobject

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-03

policy process approval.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-03

approval page dev

kwaku - 2020-08-03

updated service manager workflow designer url

kwaku - 2020-08-03

moved policy confirmation into approval

jctoni - 2020-08-02

User Manual update

jctoni - 2020-08-02

Reports and schedules updates

kwaku - 2020-08-02

removed premium calculation at fetching of default covers

Selom - 2020-08-02

documents changes at underwriting

Selom - 2020-08-02

policy modal change

Selom - 2020-08-02

memo changes

kwaku - 2020-08-02

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-08-02

added workflow process state to commissions processing view

kwaku - 2020-08-02

publishing changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-08-02

Add PVT Risk Underwritnig

kwaku - 2020-08-02

  1. completed commissions auto interadjustment logic 2. claim risk name bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-02

workflow start and enddate not showing fixes.

gilbert - 2020-08-02

motor uwd issues fixed

gilbert - 2020-08-02

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-08-02

commit changes updates motor uat fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-08-01

Gl cross currency

gilbert - 2020-08-01

commit changes motor fixes

jctoni - 2020-07-30

report Server

jctoni - 2020-07-30

Report Server

Selom - 2020-07-30

reimbursement changes

gilbert - 2020-07-30

update motor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-30

PVT risk table error fix

gilbert - 2020-07-30

commit changes updates travel

gilbert - 2020-07-30

commit changes updates motor travel changes

Selom - 2020-07-30

petty cash reimbursement changes

gilbert - 2020-07-30

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-07-30

commit change travel issues

gilbert - 2020-07-30

no changes policymodal

gilbert - 2020-07-30

commit changes update coinsurance leader refresh for motor

Selom - 2020-07-30

petty cash reimbursement changes

Selom - 2020-07-29

petty cash branch balance verification

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-29

add PVT risk tables

kwaku - 2020-07-29

update changes

kwaku - 2020-07-29

  1. Updated commission request summary to include payment mode. 2. modified petty cash reimbursement by removing validation at processing

Selom - 2020-07-29

petty cash disbursement fixes

gilbert - 2020-07-29

commit changes endFee for UWD

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-28

external adjustment unmatching.

gilbert - 2020-07-28

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-07-28

commit changes travel issues

jctoni - 2020-07-28


jctoni - 2020-07-28


Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-28

External adjustment posting fixes.

jctoni - 2020-07-28

SideBar update

Selom - 2020-07-28

petty cash disboursement fixes

gilbert - 2020-07-28

commit fire approval issue

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-28

grid row update

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-28

period update fixes

kwaku - 2020-07-28

  1. Added button to view policy at commission request

Selom - 2020-07-28

petty cash disbursement fixes

gilbert - 2020-07-28

commit changes update UWD

kwaku - 2020-07-28

claim settlmement dv document attachment bug fix

kwaku - 2020-07-28

  1. update product listing at underwriting 2. added buttont to download attached dv at settlement

Selom - 2020-07-28

petty cash minor change

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-28

policy process instance attachment.

Selom - 2020-07-28

petty cash disbursement progress. motor risk add rist issue fixed

kwaku - 2020-07-28

claim currency defaulting bug fix

kwaku - 2020-07-28

claim processing currency bug fix

kwaku - 2020-07-28

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-28

  1. added tax columns to commission ledger 2. exchange rate setup bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-27

External adjustments matching successful.

kwaku - 2020-07-27

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-27

added workflow to commission payment request

Selom - 2020-07-27

payment request type setup fixes

jctoni - 2020-07-27


jctoni - 2020-07-27


Selom - 2020-07-27

pettty cash disbursement changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-27

default excess option to claim amount, default prem basis to short period for 270 days less

gilbert - 2020-07-27

policy modal updates

gilbert - 2020-07-27

UWD Travel some uat issues fix

Selom - 2020-07-27

policy modals

Selom - 2020-07-27

petty cash disboursement changes

kwaku - 2020-07-27

git sync changes

kwaku - 2020-07-27

Added main account open entry check at commission open entry posting

jctoni - 2020-07-27

underwriting menu changes

kwaku - 2020-07-27

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-27

commission payment request fully functional

jctoni - 2020-07-27

underwriting product menu

Selom - 2020-07-27

currency defaullting. petty cash disboursement

Selom - 2020-07-27

petty cash disbursement changes. pay mode should default if petty cash is selected

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-27

policy modals commit

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-27

add remove button at underwriting commission details Add facOutwardUpdate function for CoInsurance Leader updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-26

fixed issues with history tables

Selom - 2020-07-26

petty cash changes work progress

Selom - 2020-07-26

petty cash disboursement changes

jctoni - 2020-07-25

calims Facing sheet

jctoni - 2020-07-25

report server

jctoni - 2020-07-25

Claims FS update

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-24

external adjustment cross currency fix

kwaku - 2020-07-24

cmmission payment request review completed

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-24

get grid data expression modification.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-24

kendo grid date formatting.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-24

kendo deleteRow fix.

jctoni - 2020-07-24

Claims Reports upadte

jctoni - 2020-07-23

Report server

jctoni - 2020-07-23

Report Server

jctoni - 2020-07-23

Reports for Claims Documents

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-23

external adjustments

kwaku - 2020-07-23

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-23

minor changes

jctoni - 2020-07-22

Claims DV

jctoni - 2020-07-22

calims DV and Report server

jctoni - 2020-07-22

Claims DV upates

jctoni - 2020-07-22

Claims DV

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-22

kendo date formatting

Selom - 2020-07-22

minor changes petty cash disbursement

Selom - 2020-07-22

petty cash minor changes

Selom - 2020-07-22

petty cash disbursement issues.. resolved. search and branch petty cash limit validation

jctoni - 2020-07-22

claims CR printing

jctoni - 2020-07-22

Claims DebitCredit report

jctoni - 2020-07-22

Report Server update

jctoni - 2020-07-22

Claims Creditnote changes

kwaku - 2020-07-22

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-22

  1. payment request restructuring 2. premium payment bu fixes

Selom - 2020-07-22

petty cash disbursement create pv changes

jctoni - 2020-07-22

PV and RV reports changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-21

grid number formatting

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-21

kendo grid number formatting

jctoni - 2020-07-21

RV Changes

jctoni - 2020-07-21

Report Server

jctoni - 2020-07-21

reportServer updates

Selom - 2020-07-21

petty cash disbursement changes. search form other validations resolved issues

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-21

liability covers issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-21

coinsurance covers updates for liability, ga, homewoners, bonds

kwaku - 2020-07-21

commission payment request setup in progress

Selom - 2020-07-21

4.Ownership field is not populated with client name for only Motor, petty cash disbursement minor form change

gilbert - 2020-07-20

fleet age country motor endorsement changes

jctoni - 2020-07-20

Report server

jctoni - 2020-07-20

Report Server changes

Selom - 2020-07-20

policy history search changes

Selom - 2020-07-20

sync to get latest changes

Selom - 2020-07-20

when a vehicle is removed from a fleet, it doesnot reflect realtime in the fleet count resolved

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-20

external adjustment fixes

Selom - 2020-07-20

product condition and clauses form changes.

gilbert - 2020-07-20

policy modal updates

gilbert - 2020-07-20

motor insurance source cover changes updates

jctoni - 2020-07-20

WebConfig and Service manager-Auth

Selom - 2020-07-20

minor changes.. sync to get latest changes

jctoni - 2020-07-20

Report server

jctoni - 2020-07-20

Reportserver Layout update

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-20

endorsement work for liability, bonds, ga.

jctoni - 2020-07-19


Selom - 2020-07-18

petty cash disboursement changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-17

history table updates for Engineering, bonds, liability, homeowners, ga,

gilbert - 2020-07-17

commit changes bug fixed

kwaku - 2020-07-17

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-17

minor chamges

Selom - 2020-07-17

petty cash disbursement, work flow changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-17

fix issues on engineering, liability

kwaku - 2020-07-17

added payment processing controller and html

Selom - 2020-07-17

petty cash disboursement fixes

Selom - 2020-07-17

pettycash workflow fixes

Selom - 2020-07-17

field disabling fixes

jctoni - 2020-07-17

Customer and Claims Search forms updates

Selom - 2020-07-17

disabling issues fix

jctoni - 2020-07-17


kwaku - 2020-07-17

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-17

claim processing setup use change detection

gilbert - 2020-07-17

commit changes update underwriting policy summary model

jctoni - 2020-07-17

Report Updated

jctoni - 2020-07-16 Edit

Selom - 2020-07-16

petty cash approval trail changes

Selom - 2020-07-16

approval trail view changes petty cash and comments general trails ..

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-16

external adjustment fixes

kwaku - 2020-07-16

  1. Fixed claim recoveries duplication. 2. Added changes check at claim processing. 3. Fixed workflow inbox bug

gilbert - 2020-07-16

commit changes fire bugs updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-16

fix issues on underwriting and endorsements

jctoni - 2020-07-16

SideBar update

jctoni - 2020-07-16

Insurance side Many updates

Selom - 2020-07-16

petty cash, workflow changes... minor underwriting issues

kwaku - 2020-07-16

publishing changes

jctoni - 2020-07-16

PolicySearch edit-product list

kwaku - 2020-07-16

reinstatement button change logic

jctoni - 2020-07-16

Dashboard Reports

jctoni - 2020-07-16

minor changes

jctoni - 2020-07-16

minor changes

jctoni - 2020-07-16

reports moving

jctoni - 2020-07-16


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-16

homeowners search fix, car endorsement updates

jctoni - 2020-07-16

Dashboard-finance report

kwaku - 2020-07-16

publish changes

kwaku - 2020-07-16

repo scaffolding bug fix

Selom - 2020-07-16

pettycash disboursement workflow

jctoni - 2020-07-15

PolicySearch upade

jctoni - 2020-07-15

policy Search update

jctoni - 2020-07-15

Reprots PA and ENG

kwaku - 2020-07-15

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-15

added sub account name to commission sub ledger

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-15

deposit and external adjustment fixes

jctoni - 2020-07-15

Endorsemetn Schedule update

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-15

more fixes.

gilbert - 2020-07-15

commit changes motor currency update

jctoni - 2020-07-15


jctoni - 2020-07-15

Inbox icon change

jctoni - 2020-07-14

Workspace update

Selom - 2020-07-14

account reciepts customer from customer category service at payment and GL

kwaku - 2020-07-14

added main account name to commission sub ladger

Selom - 2020-07-14

petty cash workflow work

kwaku - 2020-07-14

added office and department check at gl gate

jctoni - 2020-07-14


jctoni - 2020-07-14

workspace update

kwaku - 2020-07-14

added claim settled flag at approval

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-14

deposit matching and external adj

jctoni - 2020-07-14


Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-14

deposit transaction ongoing.

jctoni - 2020-07-14

AutoJV endpoint update

gilbert - 2020-07-14

commit changes update policy modal

gilbert - 2020-07-14

commit changes update motor coinsurance fac cover

Selom - 2020-07-14

excess fields stabilisation

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-14

regular commit

kwaku - 2020-07-14

added policy cover limit reduction

jctoni - 2020-07-14


jctoni - 2020-07-13

no change

Selom - 2020-07-13

petty cash workflow changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-13

sub account fixes

jctoni - 2020-07-13

workspace updates

jctoni - 2020-07-13

minor Changes

Selom - 2020-07-13

policy modals , risk badge , minor udw issue fixes

jctoni - 2020-07-13


jctoni - 2020-07-13

WebConfigure Changes

jctoni - 2020-07-13


Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-13

sub account api endpoint update.

gilbert - 2020-07-12

commit changes updates fire

jctoni - 2020-07-12

Report Server updates

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-12

deposit transactions

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-12

saved publish password

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-12

disabled fields change

kwaku - 2020-07-12

publishing changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-12

remove disabling of some elements

kwaku - 2020-07-12

renamed report server db context

gilbert - 2020-07-12

commit changes default and specifi covers fetch base on insurance type for fire

kwaku - 2020-07-12

added driver details to claims processing

Selom - 2020-07-12

query customer and intermediary with additional acccount endpoint.. fixes

Selom - 2020-07-11

customer category customer list search endpoint

kwaku - 2020-07-11

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-11

restructured claims documents

jctoni - 2020-07-10

Dashboard Reports

jctoni - 2020-07-10


jctoni - 2020-07-10

claims search and menu update

jctoni - 2020-07-10

Menu update

Selom - 2020-07-10

claim estimate product cover lov

Selom - 2020-07-10

policy modal

Selom - 2020-07-10

confirmation and approval greying out

jctoni - 2020-07-10

WebConfig and Dashboard Reports

jctoni - 2020-07-10

Reports update

Selom - 2020-07-10

claim product estimate setup fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-10

fix saving issue for class of business

Selom - 2020-07-10

claim produt estimate setup restructuring..

kwaku - 2020-07-10

added file upload for dv at setlement

kwaku - 2020-07-10

claim settlement and estimate fully posting to accounts

gilbert - 2020-07-09

commit changes update uat product issues

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-09

external adjustments matching.

Selom - 2020-07-09

disable fields if approved or confirmed

Selom - 2020-07-09

excell issue resolution including disabling fields when policy is confirmed or approved

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-09

external adjustments matching fixes.

kwaku - 2020-07-09

claim estimation ri fetching bug fix

gilbert - 2020-07-09

policy model show updates

gilbert - 2020-07-09

commit changes updates Motor endorsment, travel, fire changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-09

fix underwriting and endorsement issues for engineering, liability, homeowners, ga and bonds

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-08

external adjustments matching.

Selom - 2020-07-08

policy modal changes

Selom - 2020-07-08

Excell Issue resolution including lov utility changes and combine location defaulting to no

jctoni - 2020-07-08


Selom - 2020-07-07

policy search changes minor

Selom - 2020-07-07

policy search changes and minor underwriting fixes

kwaku - 2020-07-07

migration fix

kwaku - 2020-07-07

publish changes

jctoni - 2020-07-07

Reports updates

kwaku - 2020-07-07

Added all products to claims processing page

Selom - 2020-07-07

policy history search changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-07

endorsement updates for engineering and home owners

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-06

External adjustments

Selom - 2020-07-06

web config

Selom - 2020-07-06

policy History search work progress

jctoni - 2020-07-06

Policy service

jctoni - 2020-07-06

treaty arrangement

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-06

engineering updates

jctoni - 2020-07-06

Policy schedule

kwaku - 2020-07-06

claim save bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-06

restructure LOP and TPL covers for engineering

gilbert - 2020-07-06

commit changes webconfig

gilbert - 2020-07-06

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-07-06

commit changes updates fire

kwaku - 2020-07-06

added fire, homeowners, engineering, and general accident to claims processing

Selom - 2020-07-06

bank minor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-05

fix issues with liability workmens compensation

kwaku - 2020-07-04

  1. matching modal bug fix 2. commission reserving bug fix

kwaku - 2020-07-04

claims processing for other products

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-04

endorsement updates for engineering issue fix for workmen's compension

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-03

matching phase done.

jctoni - 2020-07-03

Assets all risks schedule change

Selom - 2020-07-03

condiition clauses changes

jctoni - 2020-07-03

Server reports

jctoni - 2020-07-03

Reports updates

Selom - 2020-07-03

policy condition clauses changes

jctoni - 2020-07-03


jctoni - 2020-07-03

Reprots update

Selom - 2020-07-03

condition clauses changes

jctoni - 2020-07-03

Merged Conflict resolution

jctoni - 2020-07-03

Reports updates

Selom - 2020-07-03

merge conflict

kwaku - 2020-07-03

claim setup bug fixes

Selom - 2020-07-03

get condition and clauses based on prodyct

Selom - 2020-07-03

  1. adding description to condition and clauses.. 2. product history search part

gilbert - 2020-07-03

policy modal changes unknown

gilbert - 2020-07-03

commit changes update motor, fire, travel, pa, endorsement status issues fixed

kwaku - 2020-07-03

added claim estimation settlement end point

kwaku - 2020-07-03

minor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-03

policy modals change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-03

add Product Risks setup fix pending RI issue when endorsing

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-02

Auto jvs matching

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-02

added new endpoint for auto jvs.

kwaku - 2020-07-02

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-02

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-07-02

added pro rated cancelation check to fac posting at policy approval

kwaku - 2020-07-02

commission egl

gilbert - 2020-07-02

updates fire pa, tavel, endorsement changes

kwaku - 2020-07-02

re enabled ri check at underwriting

kwaku - 2020-07-02

added a check for policy state at saving

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-02

set close flag for treaty after approval

kwaku - 2020-07-02

publishing changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-07-02

implement script version on underwriting pages fix issues with CAR endorsement fix issue with General accident

kwaku - 2020-07-02

changed pro rated cancelation flag for motor

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-02

auth server host update

kwaku - 2020-07-02

disabled ri check

gilbert - 2020-07-02

update fire, travel, pa changes

kwaku - 2020-07-02

  1. add check to prevent removal of all vehicles for an endorsed policy 2. bug fix for endorsement policy risk difference calculation 3. added policy full cancelation check 4. added suspension check to policy endorsements

gilbert - 2020-07-02

commit changes updates fire endorsement

kwaku - 2020-07-01

enabled addition and removal of risk at motor endorsement

kwaku - 2020-07-01

motor premium calculation bug fix

kwaku - 2020-07-01

changed service manager report server url

kwaku - 2020-07-01

  1. policy endorsement duplication bug fix 2. suspend option now only available for suspension endorsements

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-01

removed required validation on document name.

kwaku - 2020-07-01

external adjustment processing bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-01

updated auto reversal fetch logic.

Selom - 2020-07-01

labels at account transactions

Selom - 2020-07-01

selom new connection string.. configuration

Selom - 2020-07-01

minor, bank and condition and clauses changes

kwaku - 2020-07-01

open entry search bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-07-01

external adjustments filtering fix.

gilbert - 2020-06-30

PA Individual, group endorse complete

Selom - 2020-06-30

treaty proportional and non propotional update features issue reolution part

kwaku - 2020-06-30

  1. claim settlement currency stabalization 2. normal receipting egl bug fix. 3. matching commission correct dr/cr flag logic

Selom - 2020-06-30

customer category minor form change

Selom - 2020-06-30

customer category additional accounts

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-30

transaction default account lov fix.

kwaku - 2020-06-30

  1. added claim assessment settlement fields 2. added claim claimant invoice currency 3. general ledger bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-30

customer batch receipting saving fix.

jctoni - 2020-06-30

Gl Interface Report

jctoni - 2020-06-30

Schedules and printing update

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-30

correct workflow server IP Update renewal calculations

gilbert - 2020-06-29

commit changes fire date issue

kwaku - 2020-06-29

  1. egl account integration

kwaku - 2020-06-29

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-06-29

  1. bug fix for treaty ri calculation

gilbert - 2020-06-29

commit changes update PA individual

kwaku - 2020-06-29

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-06-29

  1. quota share bug fixes 2. refference doc no 3. ri posting sub ledger wrong assignment bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-29

fix issue with editing of homeowners location

gilbert - 2020-06-29

commit changes updates pa individual

kwaku - 2020-06-29

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-06-29

minor changes

jctoni - 2020-06-29

merged conflict reolution

kwaku - 2020-06-29

  1. refractored exchange rate controller 2. update exchange rate logic to consider exchange rate periods 3. quota share logic

jctoni - 2020-06-29


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-29

motor renewal updates

Selom - 2020-06-28

ri search open ri details on double click or on button click

Selom - 2020-06-28

ri search treaty arrangement query by customer name, product or policy number and date

gilbert - 2020-06-27

commit changes fire changes updates

Selom - 2020-06-27

ri search.. adding extra search features

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-26

batch receipting main account filtering and document type filtering.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-26

updated service.manager to point on to on premise-server

jctoni - 2020-06-26

service Manager

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-25

endorsement work on CAR, Bonds, Liability, General Accident, Home Owners

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-25

1.approval page and customer batch receipt fix 2.Endpoint for Policy SI

Selom - 2020-06-25

company changes

Selom - 2020-06-25

service manager complete app url ..

Selom - 2020-06-25

  1. company logo issues. 2. treaty Arrangement allocation level posting

jctoni - 2020-06-25


jctoni - 2020-06-25

Fire and Travel Policy

gilbert - 2020-06-25

commit changes updates EP, PP, GE

gilbert - 2020-06-25

commit change changes fix EP, PP endorsement

jctoni - 2020-06-25

FireSchedule report

jctoni - 2020-06-25


Selom - 2020-06-25

  1. company logo upload 2. Adding audit model to treaty Arrangement Save

jctoni - 2020-06-25

Policy Schedules chnages

gilbert - 2020-06-25

commit changes update EP, PP

kwaku - 2020-06-24

migration bug fix

Selom - 2020-06-24

Polh Ownership default to customer name

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-24

policy approval page dev done.

gilbert - 2020-06-24

commit changes fire currency changes

Selom - 2020-06-24

policy modal coinsurance form changes

Selom - 2020-06-24

bank and branch upload

jctoni - 2020-06-24

Policy Schedule printing scripts deleted from policy head for all products

kwaku - 2020-06-24

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-06-24

mionor changes

kwaku - 2020-06-24

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-06-24

minor change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-24

policy modals

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-24

add prem basis to policy head fix issues with engineering, homeowners endorsement

Selom - 2020-06-24

homeowners update issues resolution

kwaku - 2020-06-24

main accounr control accounr check at account transaction

kwaku - 2020-06-24

recoveries share bug fix in progress

Selom - 2020-06-24

bank branch upload work

Selom - 2020-06-24


jctoni - 2020-06-24


Selom - 2020-06-24

policy modal changes

Selom - 2020-06-24

treatyArrangement Approval refactoring

gilbert - 2020-06-24

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-06-24

commit changes update policy modal

jctoni - 2020-06-24

Travel Reports design

kwaku - 2020-06-23

added underwriting report global script

kwaku - 2020-06-23

  1. estimate recoveries saving bug fix 2. control account sub account check

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-23

batch details

kwaku - 2020-06-23

setup claim number generation

kwaku - 2020-06-23

publishing changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-23

customer batch payments filtering by txn types fix

gilbert - 2020-06-22

commit changes fire endorsement update

kwaku - 2020-06-22

added account transaction check for matching debit/credit search flag

kwaku - 2020-06-22

claim credit note posting to accounts bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-22

added claimant type column to settlement model

kwaku - 2020-06-22

claim estimate recoveries bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-22

  1. claim settlement assignment bug fix 2. settlement form validation bug fix at dv stage

kwaku - 2020-06-22

included claim policy renewal number in claim head mapper

kwaku - 2020-06-22

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-06-22

single receipting fetch by policy bug fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-22

customer batch receipts.

gilbert - 2020-06-22

commit changes updates fire travel

kwaku - 2020-06-22

  1. added await to policy history end point

kwaku - 2020-06-22

claim ri details fetching bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-22

  1. estimate recoveries bug fix 2. added history fetch for risk and risk covers

kwaku - 2020-06-21

  1. added end point to fetch historic policy record 2. added policy head navigation propoerty to intermediary commission

gilbert - 2020-06-21

travel extra functionality

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-21

fixed bond issues

gilbert - 2020-06-21

commit changes update Travel endorsement

kwaku - 2020-06-20

single receipting search by policy number fix

kwaku - 2020-06-20

  1. added renewal number to claim head 2. fixed premium receipting receipt amount update

gilbert - 2020-06-20

commit changes update webconfig changes

gilbert - 2020-06-20

commit changes endorsement changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-19

receipting doc no genearation fix.

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-19

updates to renewal notice log setup

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-19

moved doc number generation to server side.

jctoni - 2020-06-18

Reference Update

jctoni - 2020-06-18

Claims CreditNote

kwaku - 2020-06-18

update gl document number assigments

gilbert - 2020-06-18

commit changes policy modal

gilbert - 2020-06-18

commit changes travel endorsement changes

kwaku - 2020-06-18

open entry matched amount update bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-18

minor changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-18

single-receipting readonly fixes.

kwaku - 2020-06-18

receipt outstanding double deduction bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-18

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-06-18

claim settlement model cleanup

Selom - 2020-06-18

  1. account reciepting issues 2. treaty Arrangement fixes

kwaku - 2020-06-17

single receipting bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-17

added posting of reversed ouststanding estimate amount on closure

kwaku - 2020-06-17

  1. added close and open functionality for claim estimate 2. added user feedback modal

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-17

single receipting saving function to async.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-17

POL_PREV_RATE field reset fix.

kwaku - 2020-06-17

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-06-17

single receipting bug fixes

gilbert - 2020-06-17

commit changes migration changes

gilbert - 2020-06-17

commit changes policymodals

gilbert - 2020-06-17

commit changes underwriting

kwaku - 2020-06-16

fixed single receipting mathcing bug

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-16

single receipting and unconfirm fixes

Selom - 2020-06-16

policy modal draggable issue

Selom - 2020-06-16

bank upload changes part

kwaku - 2020-06-16

minor changes

jctoni - 2020-06-16

FAC placement

kwaku - 2020-06-16

added policy renewal number to claim settlement insurance ledger posting

kwaku - 2020-06-16

claim settlement posting refactoring

jctoni - 2020-06-16

Interface GL Reprot

kwaku - 2020-06-16

estimate recoveries bug fix

jctoni - 2020-06-16

GL Insurance Interface Report

Selom - 2020-06-16

treatyArrangement and excess fields stabilization

jctoni - 2020-06-16

FacPlacement changes

jctoni - 2020-06-16


kwaku - 2020-06-16

  1. claim estimate insurance posting refactoring 2. update gl inteface report link with correct link text 3. updated transaction sources for claim estimate recoveries

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-15

single receipting fixes.

Selom - 2020-06-15

  1. Treaty arrangement Fixes 2. Account Normal Reciepting UAT Issues

jctoni - 2020-06-15

route changes

jctoni - 2020-06-15

service Manager changed to local

kwaku - 2020-06-15

claim bug fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-15

no changes

Selom - 2020-06-15

account reciepts

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-15

added migration for sort code at vendor bank

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-15

added conditional coloring functionalities for grids.

Selom - 2020-06-15

treatyArrangment Fixes

jctoni - 2020-06-15


jctoni - 2020-06-15


Selom - 2020-06-15

treaty xol setup fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-15

issue log fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-14

added multi-select grid search panel

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-14

account single-receipting and other payment fixes. added TransitionalOpenEntryMatchDetl

kwaku - 2020-06-14

ri check at add vehicle

Selom - 2020-06-14

treaty Arrangement saving results

Selom - 2020-06-14

treatyArrangment saving fixing

kwaku - 2020-06-14

co insurance ballance fix

Selom - 2020-06-14

treaty arrangement Approval fixes

kwaku - 2020-06-14

exchange gain loss calculation for commission

Selom - 2020-06-14

account supplier changes

kwaku - 2020-06-14

added transaction currency to match details

Selom - 2020-06-14

merge resolution

Selom - 2020-06-14

  1. account supply type 2. account vendor setup 3. treaty arrangement refactoring

gilbert - 2020-06-14

coommit changes travel issue

jctoni - 2020-06-14

minor changes

jctoni - 2020-06-14

added migration

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-14

mssql migration fixes.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-14

conflict resolution.

jctoni - 2020-06-14

Removed Sibagen from Reference

kwaku - 2020-06-14

minor changes

gilbert - 2020-06-14

commit changes updates TravelTariff to cover

kwaku - 2020-06-14

co insurance leader commission

jctoni - 2020-06-14


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-14

policy modals push

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-14

fix underwriting issues for CAR, liability

gilbert - 2020-06-14

commit changes update motor travel changes

gilbert - 2020-06-14

commit changes travel changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-13

transitional transaction and accounts receipting setup.

kwaku - 2020-06-13

added dedicated FAC IN posting logic

kwaku - 2020-06-13

co insurance member premium posting bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-13

co insurance memeber isnruance ledger psoting bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-13

co insurance member commission posting bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-13

fixed coinsurance leader insurnace ladger posting bug fix

jctoni - 2020-06-13

webConfig Change

kwaku - 2020-06-13

claim expense settlement update bug fix

jctoni - 2020-06-13

RV Changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-13

create history model apis for homeowners, liability, general accident

kwaku - 2020-06-13

  1. final fix for foreign currency approval 2. co insurance leader proportional calculations fix

Selom - 2020-06-12

Account transaction uat issues work..

kwaku - 2020-06-12

policy foreign currency approval bug fix

jctoni - 2020-06-12

web Config

gilbert - 2020-06-12

commit changes update save issue fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-12

endorsement updates for bonds, homeowners, liability, general accident

Selom - 2020-06-12

changes treaty arrangement. Account Transaction

jctoni - 2020-06-12

webConfig Changes

jctoni - 2020-06-12


jctoni - 2020-06-12

Receipt vourcher redesign

kwaku - 2020-06-12

updated confirmation code to convert fc to bc

gilbert - 2020-06-11

update travel changes

Selom - 2020-06-11

treaty Arrangement stabilization

kwaku - 2020-06-11

policy confirmation bug fix for co insurance policies

Selom - 2020-06-11

treaty arrangement fac approval fixes

Selom - 2020-06-11

treaty arrangement approval error resolutions

jctoni - 2020-06-11

WebConfig Change

jctoni - 2020-06-11

Minor Change

kwaku - 2020-06-11

claim approval for expense settlement bug fix

gilbert - 2020-06-11

commit changes updated fire endorsement fixes

kwaku - 2020-06-11

  1. changed transaction source for commission generation at matching 2. updated facinward history models to match transactional models

Selom - 2020-06-11

acount settings changes and treaty Arrangement Changes

kwaku - 2020-06-10

added insurance source to co insurance member integration fetch

Selom - 2020-06-10

excess fields stability refix

jctoni - 2020-06-10

web config

Selom - 2020-06-10

Account Setups issues. ReInsurance Posting Issues..

gilbert - 2020-06-10

commit changes facInward changes save fix

gilbert - 2020-06-10

commit changes update CoInsurance Member issue partly fixed

kwaku - 2020-06-10

expense settlement view

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-10

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-10

multi currency changes for engineering, general accident, bonds, liability and homeowners

jctoni - 2020-06-09

No changes

kwaku - 2020-06-09

extended document number lengths for gl and insurance ledger models

kwaku - 2020-06-09

document number generation for policy approval

kwaku - 2020-06-09

  1. Added fee posting logic 2. configured settlement for direct and expense

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-09

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-09

liability save change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-09

git sync migration changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-09

stabilize liability

kwaku - 2020-06-08

treaty commission posting bug fix

Selom - 2020-06-08

grid update transaction state on confirmation and approval

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-08

multi-select grid check selection not working fix.

Selom - 2020-06-08

confirmationa and approval state update

Selom - 2020-06-08

share approval log modification

Selom - 2020-06-08

added migration for share approval log table

Selom - 2020-06-08

share approval changes and share saving issues

kwaku - 2020-06-08

document number generation bug fix

jctoni - 2020-06-08

Web Config Change

jctoni - 2020-06-08

Insurance Ledger Column increase in size

Selom - 2020-06-08

treaty arrangement placement approval and reversal changes

kwaku - 2020-06-08

  1. bug fix for posting of dollar policies 2. fire tariff view controller referrence 3. treaty data caching refreshing

jctoni - 2020-06-08

Web Config

kwaku - 2020-06-08

bug fix for document number generation

Selom - 2020-06-08

minor, sync to get latest changes

gilbert - 2020-06-08

commit changes web config changes

kwaku - 2020-06-08

  1. Claim salvage setup 2. Claim expense settlement setup

jctoni - 2020-06-08

Web config

gilbert - 2020-06-07

commit changes updates to product setup

Selom - 2020-06-07

  1. excess field stabilisation progress 2. sub account and main account fetchalldata

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-07

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-07

no change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-07

change transaction document number generation search

jctoni - 2020-06-07

RV changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-07

deft_acct_setup fixes and single-receipt cust_name and code display.

jctoni - 2020-06-07

customer Payment

Selom - 2020-06-07

policymodal changes

Selom - 2020-06-07

coInsurance fixes for paricipating companies

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-07

single receipting refresh issue fix.

gilbert - 2020-06-07

commit changes travel age calculate with DOB

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-07

no changes

jctoni - 2020-06-07

Accounts transactions and Payments

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-07

git sync migration changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-07

fix underwriting issues

gilbert - 2020-06-06

commit changes policymodal

gilbert - 2020-06-06

commit change update uat fixes in progress

Selom - 2020-06-06

treaty arrangement minor change

Selom - 2020-06-06

sub Account form

jctoni - 2020-06-06

Acct Transaction Details head

Selom - 2020-06-06

treaty arrangement changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-06

added cleaver

jctoni - 2020-06-05

pup profile

Selom - 2020-06-05

claim settlement type setup and lov

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-05

migration changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-05

cheque modal for txn payment fix

Selom - 2020-06-05

treaty Arrangement quick fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-05

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-05

apply sequence check to ProductMdl

Selom - 2020-06-05

claim settlement type setup

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-05

endorse engineering car policies

jctoni - 2020-06-05

AccountsTransaction update

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-05

Default account setup update fix

jctoni - 2020-06-04

Accts Transition UI

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-04

Account transactions fixes

Selom - 2020-06-04

  1. discount loading defaut rate issue 2. bank view moved to account 2. Accound setups stabilization

kwaku - 2020-06-04

  1. added salvage page 2. final bug fix for sequence generation

Selom - 2020-06-04

account setting stabilization

kwaku - 2020-06-04

sequence creaion bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-04

workflow connection string update

Selom - 2020-06-04

merge conflict resolution

Selom - 2020-06-04

main account view modification

kwaku - 2020-06-04

sequence generation fix

kwaku - 2020-06-04

minor change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-04

engineering car endorsement account transaction doc number issue fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-04

open entry migrations Auto JVs fixes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-04

1.account open entry upload 2.Fixes for Normal JVs

gilbert - 2020-06-03

changes policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-06-03

commit changes redmine fixes

Selom - 2020-06-03


Selom - 2020-06-03

account setup fixes

jctoni - 2020-06-03

Accounts transactions and reports changes

kwaku - 2020-06-03

fixed wrong url for workflow server

kwaku - 2020-06-03

minor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-03

no changes

gilbert - 2020-06-03

commit changes updates policy number at the policy head panel

kwaku - 2020-06-03

  1. fixed underwriting audit setup bug 2. added loss date validation against a selected policy 3. fixed policy confirmation bug

gilbert - 2020-06-03

commit changes kwame.config changes

gilbert - 2020-06-03

commit changes fire endorsment changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-03

engineering car endorsements

Selom - 2020-06-03

Add user log as a tap to track login user, created user, last update user

Selom - 2020-06-03

Bug #676 Add user log as a tap to track login user, created user, last update user

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-03

merge resolution

Selom - 2020-06-03

Add user log as a tap to track login user, created user, last update user

Selom - 2020-06-03

Bug #676 Add user log as a tap to track login user, created user, last update user

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-02

account auto jv fixes and open entry dev.

Selom - 2020-06-02

Bug #685 Fleet discount discounts showing for Fire

Selom - 2020-06-02

UAT issues revisited 1. form refreshing 2. policy search grid

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-06-02

transaction document no gen updates, renewal log updates, engineering and bonds

kwaku - 2020-06-02

  1. general accident bug fix 2. added logic to delete estimate and claimant records at backend

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-02

grid pagination and acct fixes

kwaku - 2020-06-02

  1. added open entry migration 2. added credit note activation end point in previous commit

kwaku - 2020-06-02

  1. added deletion logic for claim estimate 2. added deletion logic for claimants 3. fixed workflow fetch processing info bug 4. update transaction sources for claim estimate, settlement and expense posting

kwaku - 2020-06-01

task assignments creation bug fix

kwaku - 2020-06-01

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-06-01

publishing changes

jctoni - 2020-06-01

treaty arrangement save bug fix

jctoni - 2020-06-01

publishing changes

Selom - 2020-06-01

  1. Query Refactoring 2. Fetch Policy By ID issue resolve for other policies(not motor)

kwaku - 2020-06-01

added customer ballance enquiry button to claim processing setup

kwaku - 2020-06-01

  1. co insurance review for motor underwriting 2. removed claim task surveyor email alerts

jctoni - 2020-06-01

RI FAC slips and Side bar menu changes

Selom - 2020-06-01

Form closes on click on esc on a field-UAT Issues

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-06-01

added Workflow connection string to configurations

Selom - 2020-06-01

sync to get latest changes

Selom - 2020-06-01

minor changes

gilbert - 2020-05-30

policy modal updates

gilbert - 2020-05-30

fire endorsment changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-29

created extra endpoint for workflow notifications.

Selom - 2020-05-29

query issue fix treaty arrangement

Selom - 2020-05-29

save continious loading issue fix

jctoni - 2020-05-29

Facshare reports for Motor and Fire added

kwaku - 2020-05-29

fixed claim task service saving bug

Selom - 2020-05-29

treaty arrangment futher changes

kwaku - 2020-05-29

added performance improvements to policysearching

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-29

added mult-select grid hasColumns flag.

kwaku - 2020-05-29

fixed coinsurance bugs

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-29

grid table-id duplication fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-29

revert of config and service manager target

gilbert - 2020-05-29

commit changes update jq

gilbert - 2020-05-29

commit changes updates fire

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-29

fixed table-id duplication

gilbert - 2020-05-29

commit changes update fire

Selom - 2020-05-29

minor change

Selom - 2020-05-29

treaty arrangement changes

kwaku - 2020-05-29

added coinsurance to global underwriting header script

kwaku - 2020-05-29

added changes to improve policy underwriting page performance

gilbert - 2020-05-28

commit changes policy modal model

gilbert - 2020-05-28

commit changes update Fire endorsement

kwaku - 2020-05-28

  1. added filtering to product estimates and cover lov 2. added settlement notes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-28

updated service target

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-28

kendo grid performance optimization

jctoni - 2020-05-28

FAC placment

jctoni - 2020-05-28

Fac placement and Closing reports

kwaku - 2020-05-28

web config changes

kwaku - 2020-05-28

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-05-28

minor changes

gilbert - 2020-05-27

commit changes update motors

jctoni - 2020-05-27

Minor changes

Selom - 2020-05-27

connn string change

Selom - 2020-05-27

treaty arrANGEEMENT MInor

Selom - 2020-05-27

minor treaty arrangement

Selom - 2020-05-27

adjustment changes

Selom - 2020-05-27

readjustment changes

kwaku - 2020-05-27

fixed pay to wrong assignment

gilbert - 2020-05-26

commit changes TTpd updates, extra seat updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-26

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-26

fixed issues on bonds, general accident, engineering

kwaku - 2020-05-26

added discharge voucher and facing sheet printing

Selom - 2020-05-26

query fix treaty arrangement

Selom - 2020-05-26

treaty arrangement query changes

kwaku - 2020-05-25

migration error fix

Selom - 2020-05-25

treaty arrangement changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-25

no changes

kwaku - 2020-05-25

  1. payment mode accoun transaction restructuring

gilbert - 2020-05-25

webconfig changes updates

gilbert - 2020-05-25

commit changes updates webconfig

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-25

migration changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-25

renewal log setup, updates for general accident

jctoni - 2020-05-25

service manager changes

jctoni - 2020-05-25

service manager changes

jctoni - 2020-05-25

ri reports for fac placement

gilbert - 2020-05-25

commit changes motor vv ttpd restructure feature

kwaku - 2020-05-24

added settlement migration

kwaku - 2020-05-24

  1. added workflow end points to claim controller

Selom - 2020-05-24

treaty arrangement grid fix and query by date for placements.

jctoni - 2020-05-24

Web Config edit

jctoni - 2020-05-24

Policy Search update

Selom - 2020-05-23

treaty arrangement and claim bank lov changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-22

filter dropdown and default transactions refactoring.

Selom - 2020-05-22

treatyArrangement Changes

kwaku - 2020-05-22

service manager changes

kwaku - 2020-05-22

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-05-22

  1. Removed jqgrid library from bundle config. 2. renamed dashboard tabs

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-22

tpl lop risk duplicate fix

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-22

added custom template suppoet for grid.

Selom - 2020-05-21


Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-21

updated workflow designer url

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-21

updated service.manager configurations

Selom - 2020-05-21

commit changes webconfig changes

gilbert - 2020-05-21

commit changes update fire

gilbert - 2020-05-21

commit changes update fire bugs

Selom - 2020-05-21

policy field

Selom - 2020-05-21

treaty arrangement features

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-21

txn docs lov update and deft acct txn filtering fix.

gilbert - 2020-05-21

commit changes updates fire end

kwaku - 2020-05-21

  1. added claimant validation check on add 2. Added approval trail cards to approval trail 3. fixed endoresment approval update bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-21

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-20

sync migration changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-20

engineering fixes and updates

gilbert - 2020-05-20

policy modal updates

gilbert - 2020-05-20

commit changes risk cover updates

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-20

added deft acct update support and fixed duplication.

Selom - 2020-05-19

treatyArrangement changes

kwaku - 2020-05-19

policy approval bug fix

kwaku - 2020-05-19

bug fix for policy saving

Selom - 2020-05-19

treaty arrangement changes

jctoni - 2020-05-19

FAC Share Report update

Selom - 2020-05-19

minor motor

gilbert - 2020-05-19

webconfig changes

jctoni - 2020-05-19

RI Forms Redesign

kwaku - 2020-05-19


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-19

no changes

kwaku - 2020-05-19

claim processing workflow inbox integration

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-19

migration changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-19

renewal updates

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-18

default account setup

gilbert - 2020-05-18

commit changes UWD fix, covers

Selom - 2020-05-18

minor changes udw motor treaty

jctoni - 2020-05-18

RI form layout

Selom - 2020-05-18

treaty arrangement changes

kwaku - 2020-05-18

wrong workflow url

kwaku - 2020-05-18

claims processing assignment stable

jctoni - 2020-05-18

publish changes

kwaku - 2020-05-18

claims processing recoveries bug fixes

gilbert - 2020-05-18

commit changes policy modal updates

gilbert - 2020-05-18

fees restructure updates

kwaku - 2020-05-17

workflow notification bug fix

jctoni - 2020-05-17

FAC placement Reports

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-17

removed end and start date from approval and confirmation stages.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-17

account transactions and customer payment filtering fixes.

jctoni - 2020-05-17

Default cover updates

Selom - 2020-05-17

ShareApproval Changes

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-17

( setup exec command payload refactoring.

kwaku - 2020-05-17

claims processing bug fixes for settlement crud and claimant duplication fix

jctoni - 2020-05-17

Report Server Changes

Selom - 2020-05-17

resolved conflict

Selom - 2020-05-17

treaty arrangement and product cover changes

jctoni - 2020-05-16


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-16

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-16

engineering fixes, enabled policy number generation

Selom - 2020-05-15

covers changes addon products, product, motorisk

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-15

added flag parameter to the createInstance function.

gilbert - 2020-05-15

commit changes fire updates

kwaku - 2020-05-15

minor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-15

engineering search fix

kwaku - 2020-05-15

bug fix for workflow approval claim processing bug fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-15

policy save fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-15

engineering policy fill fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-15

jqgrid error fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-15

migration changes

Selom - 2020-05-15

cover changes motor product tarrif addon thc

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-15

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-15

policy modal changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-15

engineering updates and restructuring

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-15

action buttons and process state reversion.

kwaku - 2020-05-15

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-05-15

  1. added approval for claim estimation 2. added claim settlement workflow processing

kwaku - 2020-05-15

added validation checks to claims processing

gilbert - 2020-05-15

commit changes fire UWD cur refresh

gilbert - 2020-05-14

commit changes motor currency refresh resolved

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-14

added start and end date for endorsement

kwaku - 2020-05-14

  1. fixed endorsement confirmation and approval 2. Resolved claims processing claimant saving bug

Selom - 2020-05-14

Treaty Arrangement and Cover restructuring

jctoni - 2020-05-14

Receipt and Fire Schedule changes

gilbert - 2020-05-13

commit changes Fire Currency changes fix

gilbert - 2020-05-13

commit changes currency change

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-13

applied workflow endorsement saving fix.

kwaku - 2020-05-13


Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-13

underwriting fixes

kwaku - 2020-05-13

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-05-13

claim processing is not stable

gilbert - 2020-05-12

changes to policy modal

gilbert - 2020-05-12

commit changes discountloading calculation at cover level

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-12

workflow users assigned.

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-12


Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-12

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-12

engineering location fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-12

no changes

kwaku - 2020-05-12

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-05-12

reolved date format issue for underwriting

gilbert - 2020-05-11

commit changes policy modal

gilbert - 2020-05-11

commit changes fire discount loading updates

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-11

workflow server updates

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-11

added required attribute to assignedTo element

Eric Kobby Mensah - 2020-05-11

workflow inbox actions and endorsement fixes

gilbert - 2020-05-11

commit changes update fireExcess

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-11

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-11

renewal epayment updates

Selom - 2020-05-11

changes uw form refreshing after approval, treaty arrangement extra validation

gilbert - 2020-05-11

comit changes fire decimal issue fix

gilbert - 2020-05-11

commit changes unknown

Selom - 2020-05-11

sync to get changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-10

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-10

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-10

git sync migration changes

kwaku - 2020-05-10

minor change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-10

no chaneges

gilbert - 2020-05-10

commit changes fire Covers Issues

kwaku - 2020-05-09

added git sync changes

gilbert - 2020-05-09

commit changes Firebugs fixes

Eric Kobby - 2020-05-09

grid style fix

gilbert - 2020-05-09

comit chnges fire

kwaku - 2020-05-09

policy header date fix

Selom - 2020-05-09

product, discount and loading changes

gilbert - 2020-05-08

commit changes fireUWD setup

gilbert - 2020-05-08

commit changes policyModal

gilbert - 2020-05-08

commit changes Fire fess update

Eric Kobby - 2020-05-08

workflow endorsement updates and inbox fetch

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-08

epayment changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-08

epayment service changes

Selom - 2020-05-08

motor fixes fire fixes short period

kwaku - 2020-05-08

removed bundling for css files

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-08

migration sync changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-08

no changes

kwaku - 2020-05-08

  1. Integration payment service bug fix 2. added claims approval page setup

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-08

git sync migration changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-08

policy renewals updates

gilbert - 2020-05-07

commit changes policymodal

gilbert - 2020-05-07

commit changes fire issues

Selom - 2020-05-07

publish conflicts resovled

Selom - 2020-05-07

FACApproval and NICIntegration work.

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-07

renewal processing init

Eric Kobby - 2020-05-07

service.manager shared updates

Eric Kobby - 2020-05-07

multi-select grid updates

gilbert - 2020-05-07

commit changes updates fire

gilbert - 2020-05-07

commit changes SIBAGEN CLOUD STAR.pubxml

Eric Kobby - 2020-05-07

service.manager updates

gilbert - 2020-05-07

commit changes updateFires

gilbert - 2020-05-07

commit changes webconfig changes

gilbert - 2020-05-07

commit changes fire added excess feature

Eric Kobby - 2020-05-06

workflow command execution fixes.

Selom - 2020-05-06

treaty arrangement changes

Selom - 2020-05-06

treaty arrangement extra validation fixes

Selom - 2020-05-06

treaty arrangement changes saving fix?

Selom - 2020-05-06

minor treaty arrangement setup changes

kwaku - 2020-05-06

added web worker

Eric Kobby - 2020-05-06

workflow integration updates

Selom - 2020-05-06

minor motor underwriting excess fields stabilzation

Selom - 2020-05-06

motor underwriting fixes

kwaku - 2020-05-06

  1. Claim documents relationship restructuring 2. Date format change 3. workflow sever bug fix

gilbert - 2020-05-06

policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-05-06

commit changes motor uwd

gilbert - 2020-05-05

commit changes update mottorfetchCoverstabout

Selom - 2020-05-05

search motor tariff

Selom - 2020-05-05

minor motor tarrif search

Eric Kobby - 2020-05-05

workflow integration updates

Selom - 2020-05-05

excess bug fixes

gilbert - 2020-05-05

motor changes updates

kwaku - 2020-05-05

Resolved Feature #561 Added in built editor for claims memo Resolved Feature #556 Added claimant bank account name to settlement form Resolved Feature #544 Moved total loss check to claim settlement Resolved Feature #578 Added subrogation check at estimation

Selom - 2020-05-05

cover type validation for chasis no field. required or not required

Selom - 2020-05-05

treaty arrangement fixes

gilbert - 2020-05-05

fire UWD issue fixed

Eric Kobby - 2020-05-04

workflow integration updates

gilbert - 2020-05-04

motor bug changes UWD

Selom - 2020-05-04

ri allocation duplication fixed from motor

Selom - 2020-05-04

vehicle age load amount fields added.

Selom - 2020-05-04

minor changes motor risk form

kwaku - 2020-05-04

  1. motor renewal search bug fix 2. motor premium discount and loading bug fix 3. gl gate fc to bc conversion ballance check

kwaku - 2020-05-03

removed tax leg at policy approval

kwaku - 2020-05-03

fixed premium summary discount bug

Selom - 2020-05-03

age loading and minor fixes

kwaku - 2020-05-03

motor premium calculation bug fix

Eric Kobby - 2020-05-03

removed grid target El remove function.

kwaku - 2020-05-03

bug fix for claim settlement kendo grid

Selom - 2020-05-03

motor risk grid remove deleted row on save

gilbert - 2020-05-02

cover doesnt update bugs fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-01

policy modals changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-01

engineering issue fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-01

service manager changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-01

risk cover modal change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-01

engineering issue fix

kwaku - 2020-05-01

minor changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-01

merge changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-01

sync migration changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-05-01

homrowners issue fix

Selom - 2020-05-01

changes policy modal

Selom - 2020-05-01

minor changes policy motor and company

kwaku - 2020-04-30

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-04-30

  1. memo setup completed 2. updated motor premium calculation

gilbert - 2020-04-30

udw motor fixes

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-30

grid fixes

Selom - 2020-04-30

defaulting excess and veh body type

gilbert - 2020-04-29

commit changes pa ui changes

kwaku - 2020-04-29

bug fix for single receipting notification receipt amount

kwaku - 2020-04-29

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-04-29

  1. Added memo model 2. Fixed single receipting bug fix

Selom - 2020-04-29

vehicle body type setup

kwaku - 2020-04-29

  1. migration bug fix issue 2. add cover bug fix

gilbert - 2020-04-29

redirect feature bug fixed

kwaku - 2020-04-29

addition of covers bug fix

kwaku - 2020-04-29

jg grid bug fix

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-29

kendo grid fixes

Selom - 2020-04-29

minor modifications on excess fields motor risk form

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-29

workflow server updates

kwaku - 2020-04-29

added git sync migration

gilbert - 2020-04-29

commit changes update motor covers

kwaku - 2020-04-29

claims bug fixes

jctoni - 2020-04-29

minor change

jctoni - 2020-04-29

  1. bug fix for addition of additional motor risk covers

gilbert - 2020-04-28

commit change policy modal updates

gilbert - 2020-04-28

commit change update PA group name detail excel upload

Selom - 2020-04-28

minor changes company policy motor

Selom - 2020-04-28

searching product risk excess motor risks

kwaku - 2020-04-28

  1. office sbu bug fix 2. added office sbu lov to underwriting 3. fixed ghana cedi hard coding at customer processing

gilbert - 2020-04-28

commit changes policy modal updates

gilbert - 2020-04-28

update datetime enddate substruct one

kwaku - 2020-04-28

Added main account payment check to open entry search

Selom - 2020-04-28

sbu office and excess changes

kwaku - 2020-04-28

bug fix for single receipting

kwaku - 2020-04-28

added document number generation for exchange gain loss posting to accounts

gilbert - 2020-04-28

commit changes datetime format for enddate

kwaku - 2020-04-28

bug fix for duplication of account transaction details

gilbert - 2020-04-28

commit changes datetime fix for startDate

gilbert - 2020-04-28

commit changes datetime revert

gilbert - 2020-04-28

commit changes datetime changes

gilbert - 2020-04-27

commit change timeDate formate

gilbert - 2020-04-27

commit changes policy modal changes

gilbert - 2020-04-27

commit changes motor bugs fix

kwaku - 2020-04-27

updated exchange loss main and sub account codes

kwaku - 2020-04-27

  1. Claim settlement functionality setup 2. account transaction details ballance check fix

Selom - 2020-04-27

delete functionality RI

gilbert - 2020-04-27

commit config changes

gilbert - 2020-04-27

pa changes updates

kwaku - 2020-04-27

claim settlement changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-27

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-27

migration changes

jctoni - 2020-04-26

Motor schedules and debit note changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-27

homeowners location restructuring

kwaku - 2020-04-26

ncd percentage bug fix

kwaku - 2020-04-26

refactored motor underwriting to fetch ncd with product code

kwaku - 2020-04-26

motor tariff front end changes

kwaku - 2020-04-26

motor tariff saving bug fix bug fix

kwaku - 2020-04-26

motor tarrfi search bug fix

jctoni - 2020-04-26

Motor documents priting upates

kwaku - 2020-04-26

bug fix for migration

Selom - 2020-04-26

motor tarriff product and risk validation

kwaku - 2020-04-25

added settlement page to claim processing setup

Selom - 2020-04-25

motor tarrif validation progress , additional fields intermediary

Selom - 2020-04-25

update product names motor product risk in db

Selom - 2020-04-25

updating product names product risk table progress,.

Selom - 2020-04-25

motor tarrif and company and designation changes

kwaku - 2020-04-25

added task creation and assignment validation

kwaku - 2020-04-25

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-04-24

publish changes

kwaku - 2020-04-24

completed claim task assignment

jctoni - 2020-04-24

Motor Policy Schedules changes

Selom - 2020-04-23

motor tarrif changes adding ncd

kwaku - 2020-04-23

claim task processing page setup completed

gilbert - 2020-04-22

updates PAUWD model restructure

gilbert - 2020-04-22

pa individual changes

kwaku - 2020-04-22

workflow url fix

Selom - 2020-04-22

treaty proportional changes

kwaku - 2020-04-22

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-04-22

workflow service amanger config check

gilbert - 2020-04-22

update FireUnderwriting Changes

kwaku - 2020-04-22

included excluded motor schedule report files

kwaku - 2020-04-22

minor changes

gilbert - 2020-04-22

commit changes int fixes

kwaku - 2020-04-22

claim task crud fully functional

Selom - 2020-04-22

motor ncd work progress.

Selom - 2020-04-21

Add on Product treaty group product saving issues fix

Selom - 2020-04-21

minor changes xol treaty settup

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-21

merge migration changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-21

co-insurance RI calculation change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-21

general accident changes

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-21

deft accounts setup done.

jctoni - 2020-04-20

connection string change to dev

gilbert - 2020-04-20

commit changes Motor issues fix

jctoni - 2020-04-20

Web Config changes

Selom - 2020-04-20

change ri company reference from company to ri customers even with foreign key changes at the model.

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-20

deft setup

kwaku - 2020-04-20

claim files view setup

kwaku - 2020-04-20

bug fix for account transaction savig

Selom - 2020-04-20

error saving when removing treaty detail fixed. RI XOL setup.

kwaku - 2020-04-20

added git sync migration

kwaku - 2020-04-20

  1. added document rendering methods to claim global function

Selom - 2020-04-20

model changes XOL treaty setup

Selom - 2020-04-20

RI treaty setup

Selom - 2020-04-20

Xol treaty setup changes

gilbert - 2020-04-20

motor Tarrif issues fixed

Selom - 2020-04-20

non prop treaty setup changes ri

gilbert - 2020-04-20

Motor Tarrif review

kwaku - 2020-04-19

added task documentation file models

jctoni - 2020-04-19

Rerport Server updated with Premium Register

kwaku - 2020-04-17

fixed claim bug, duplication of motor risk details

kwaku - 2020-04-17

bug fix for policy confirmation

Selom - 2020-04-17

RI setup treaty Non prop changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-17

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-17

git sync migration changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-17

ri setup issue fixes

gilbert - 2020-04-16

update database intermediary UW final

kwaku - 2020-04-16

Feature #563 Added popup for when a vehicle on which claim is processed is selected for another claim

gilbert - 2020-04-16

commit changes updates UW, Intermediary

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-16

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-16

Proportional Treaty Setup restructuring and saving issue fix.

kwaku - 2020-04-16

Resolved Feature #568 Removed payee details from the claim expense form.

kwaku - 2020-04-16

Resolved Feature #590 Added debit number to single reciepting form

gilbert - 2020-04-16

updates intermediaries

Selom - 2020-04-16

fetch customer type prefix changes

kwaku - 2020-04-16

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-04-16

  1. setup ri recoveries for claim estimates 2. setup estimate trail functionality for claim estimates 3. bug fix for linq First and FirstOrDefault utility methods 4. added option to fill form without triggering change event

gilbert - 2020-04-15

update intermediary commision

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-15

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-15

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-15

no changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-15

general accident restructuring

jctoni - 2020-04-15

Defaulting accounts added-Toni

Selom - 2020-04-15

Addon product saving resolution

kwaku - 2020-04-15

publish changes

Selom - 2020-04-15

district further saving issues resolved

gilbert - 2020-04-15

updates changes customer branch validation

gilbert - 2020-04-15

updated customer bank branch

kwaku - 2020-04-15

premium receipting bug fixes

Selom - 2020-04-15

product saving resolved

gilbert - 2020-04-15

update customer UW setup changes

gilbert - 2020-04-14

updates underwritings policy bug fix

kwaku - 2020-04-14

add new claim button bug fix

Selom - 2020-04-14

connection string change

kwaku - 2020-04-14

added workflow url to webconfig

kwaku - 2020-04-14

  1. updated workflow server urls in workflowserver utility 2. updated repository generator with new history models namespace

Selom - 2020-04-14

query bugs resolution, product, motor tarriff, treaty,ncd

gilbert - 2020-04-14

bugs fixes uw commission

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-13

workflow utility fixes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-13

no changes

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-13

getgridSelected multi-select fix

kwaku - 2020-04-13

added check for cash and back accounts at account transaction details upload for other payments

kwaku - 2020-04-13

  1. external adjustment document numer generation bug fix 2. insurance account transaction master setup bug fix 3. removal of duplicate id in disbursement html

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-13

workflowserver route update

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-13

homewoners underwriting changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-13

homeowners underwriting stabilization

Selom - 2020-04-12

merge resolution

kwaku - 2020-04-12

added filtering of sub account records against main account

kwaku - 2020-04-12

transaction details upload bug fix

kwaku - 2020-04-12

added workflow url to webconfig

kwaku - 2020-04-12

petty cash bug fixes

gilbert - 2020-04-12

district issue fixed

gilbert - 2020-04-12

#631 resolved intemediary commission bugs fix

kwaku - 2020-04-12

petty cash confirmation bug fix

Selom - 2020-04-11

makemodel and condition and clauses fixes

kwaku - 2020-04-11

gl transaction cross currency bug fix

kwaku - 2020-04-11

publish changes

Selom - 2020-04-11

fire interest query fix

kwaku - 2020-04-11

  1. document type saving bugfix 2. customer category, main account

kwaku - 2020-04-11

wbe config changes

kwaku - 2020-04-11

  1. added sequence generation for documet type setup 1. added connection string config for eric

kwaku - 2020-04-11

  1. account document types default accounts check 2. Auto reversal jv document number bug fix

Selom - 2020-04-11

bank and product setup fixes

kwaku - 2020-04-11

  1. added document number check to gl gate 2. fix double posting bug for account transactions setup

kwaku - 2020-04-11

account transaction setup bug fixes

jctoni - 2020-04-11

no changes

kwaku - 2020-04-11

removed duplicate migration files

kwaku - 2020-04-11

accounts bug fixes

gilbert - 2020-04-10

commit changes quotes fixes semi colon issue

gilbert - 2020-04-10

commit changes quotes bugs fixes

Selom - 2020-04-10

confict resolution

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-10

get_grid_data and backend routes updates

Selom - 2020-04-10

branch and traty arrangement issues solved

gilbert - 2020-04-10

merge commit changes

gilbert - 2020-04-10

merge changes

Selom - 2020-04-10

bug fixes

kwaku - 2020-04-10

ri javascript review

gilbert - 2020-04-10

bugs fix quotes bugs

kwaku - 2020-04-09

policy ri bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-09

short period upload refactoring

Selom - 2020-04-09

customer type prefix added to cust_code

Selom - 2020-04-09

area and bank error resolution

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-09

short period upload refactoring

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-09

fixed short period setup

gilbert - 2020-04-08

customer, Supplier, Quotes updates

gilbert - 2020-04-08

quotes fire issues fixed

gilbert - 2020-04-08

#628 travel updates created FeesModelH

gilbert - 2020-04-08

#628 Travel endorsement updates to reinsurance recalculation

kwaku - 2020-04-08

minor change

kwaku - 2020-04-08

minor tweak to bid data populate utility

kwaku - 2020-04-08

lov bid data population bug fix

kwaku - 2020-04-08

publishing changes

Selom - 2020-04-07

approval and reversal of teaty allocation

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-07

single receipting and normal receipting fixes and updates

kwaku - 2020-04-07

kendo grid grid populate bug fix

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-07

homeowners underwriting stabilization init

kwaku - 2020-04-07

bug fix for adding a new customer type commission

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-07

acct transaction refactoring

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-07

Txndoc No fix and grid function update

kwaku - 2020-04-07

  1. expense fully integrated into claim head 2. implementing recoveries for estimates 3. settlement modal appearing on assignment

kwaku - 2020-04-07

update workflow viewer to new workflow server

kwaku - 2020-04-06

sequence number generation controller bug fix

kwaku - 2020-04-06

sequene number generation bug fix

kwaku - 2020-04-06

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-04-06

  1. added expense to claim processing claim head 2. underwriting bug fixes

kwaku - 2020-04-06

star instance changed

kwaku - 2020-04-06

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-04-06

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-04-06

publishing changes with migration fix for claim estimate risk details

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-06


gilbert - 2020-04-06

#628 Travel process approval updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-06

#627 bonds stabilization, engineering issues fixed.

jctoni - 2020-04-05

Addition of Accounts Reports- Trial Balance

jctoni - 2020-04-05

Account Reports with SQL Scripts

kwaku - 2020-04-05

claim processing setup completed saving. saving is stable

gilbert - 2020-04-05

updates Travel RI and Location Fire sequence gen

Selom - 2020-04-04

treaty arrangement work

gilbert - 2020-04-04

travel policy Treaty updates

Selom - 2020-04-04

treaty changes

gilbert - 2020-04-03

commit changes travel RI Updates

Selom - 2020-04-03

treaty work

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-03

risk cover modal change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-03

fixed issue with engineering cpm

Selom - 2020-04-02

treaty arrangement work..

Eric Kobby - 2020-04-02

workflow int.

gilbert - 2020-04-01

commit changes updates Travel Underwriting

gilbert - 2020-04-01

commit changes updates travel

gilbert - 2020-04-01

commit changes updates Travel

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-04-01

Feature #627 - bonds underwriting stabilization

Selom - 2020-03-31

Bug #451 resolved Make provision for Average Exposure Per Person = (Maximum Total Earnings/number of persons)*60- Liability

kwaku - 2020-03-30

publishing changes

Selom - 2020-03-30

treaty arrangement work on closing

gilbert - 2020-03-29

commit changes updates travel

kwaku - 2020-03-29

added covers to estimate view

Selom - 2020-03-29

treaty arrangement changes, progress.

Selom - 2020-03-29

some calculation bugs fixed treaty arrangement

gilbert - 2020-03-29

commit changes updates fire

kwaku - 2020-03-28

  1. updated publish profiles 2. completed view of estimate list and individual estimates

Selom - 2020-03-28

Treaty arrangement changes

kwaku - 2020-03-27

completed clams header update and

gilbert - 2020-03-27

commit changes update fire

gilbert - 2020-03-27

commit changes updatefireFloodSetup

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-27

finance fixes

Selom - 2020-03-27

treaty arrangement changes

Selom - 2020-03-27

more bug fixes treaty apportionment

Selom - 2020-03-27

ongoing bug fixes, treaty arrangements

Selom - 2020-03-27

treaty arrangement

Selom - 2020-03-27

bugs treaty appor

Selom - 2020-03-26

treaty arrangement changes

kwaku - 2020-03-26

  1. renamed doc type for posting policy premiums to accounts

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-25

other engineering products work commit

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-25

workflow approval and fixes

gilbert - 2020-03-25

commit changes updates firepolicy

jctoni - 2020-03-25

connection string for Toni updated

gilbert - 2020-03-25

commit changes udpate to sequence interest

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-25

added kendo.common.css and multi-sel Kendo

kwaku - 2020-03-25

addec claim estimate cover model

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-25

engineering products discount/loadings fixes, other engineering UI and issue updates

gilbert - 2020-03-24

commit change policymodals

gilbert - 2020-03-24

commit changes updates FireGridUpdatesFixBugs

kwaku - 2020-03-24

claim head restructuring

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-24

multi-select grid dev and workflow confirmation

gilbert - 2020-03-24

commit changes sql migrate

Selom - 2020-03-24

treaty apportionment changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-24

continued work on engineering restructuring

kwaku - 2020-03-23

claim restructure done

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-23

push for merge

jctoni - 2020-03-23

Acct grid Status

Selom - 2020-03-23

treaty arrangement work

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-23


gilbert - 2020-03-23

commit changes created kwameConfig

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-23

no changes

jctoni - 2020-03-22

finance fixes

jctoni - 2020-03-22

account category bug fix

kwaku - 2020-03-22

Settlement html changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-22

engineering products restructuring

kwaku - 2020-03-22

tree menu changes

Selom - 2020-03-22

work on treaty arrangement calculations perfected

gilbert - 2020-03-21

commit changes fireFlood updates

gilbert - 2020-03-21

commit changes updates FireUnderwriting

gilbert - 2020-03-21

commit changes fire updates

gilbert - 2020-03-21

commit changes upate FireEndorsementPremium

jctoni - 2020-03-20

UI changes by Eric

gilbert - 2020-03-20

commit changes firePremium updates

Selom - 2020-03-20

fac apportionment work

kwaku - 2020-03-20

completed claim prototype

kwaku - 2020-03-20

claimant folder listing tweaks

gilbert - 2020-03-19

commit change quotes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-19

engineering global functions

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-19

Engineering global functions

gilbert - 2020-03-19

commit changes policymodal

gilbert - 2020-03-19

commit changes update FireEndorsemen

Selom - 2020-03-19

treaty changes

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-19

row height fixed

Selom - 2020-03-19

treaty Apportionment

gilbert - 2020-03-19

commit changes updates quotes

gilbert - 2020-03-19

commit chages policy modal

gilbert - 2020-03-19

commit changes quote changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-18

extensive work saving and fetching engineering products

gilbert - 2020-03-18

commit changes update fire

kwaku - 2020-03-18

Feature #537 claims processing restructuring again

Selom - 2020-03-18

Treaty Arrangement FAC calculations

kwaku - 2020-03-18

added claim settlement link

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-18

policy modals changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-18

Global functions for engineering. Extensive work on discounts/loadings for engineering products

gilbert - 2020-03-17

comit changes updatesFireEndorsement

kwaku - 2020-03-17

migration fix

jctoni - 2020-03-17

Changes made to accounts, Motor and Fire in the Star MS SQL environment

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-17

added clearGridData handler

gilbert - 2020-03-17

commit changes webconfig

gilbert - 2020-03-16

commit changes PolicyModalUpdates

gilbert - 2020-03-16

commit changes updates policyModal

gilbert - 2020-03-16

commit changes updateFireEndorsementTable

kwaku - 2020-03-16

claim settlement able to save changes to db

Selom - 2020-03-16

bank branch work

Selom - 2020-03-16

Work on Bank branch setup

kwaku - 2020-03-14

completed claim settlement documentation listing yet to add logic for viewing and downloading of files

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-13

fixes issues with Other engineering products

gilbert - 2020-03-13

commit changes policy modal updates

Selom - 2020-03-13

merge resolution

Selom - 2020-03-12

added pending migration for claim changes

Selom - 2020-03-12

claims bugs and restructuring

kwaku - 2020-03-12

settlement process model restructuring

gilbert - 2020-03-12

comment changes UpdatesFireUnderwriting

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-12

refactoring and styling

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-12

fac inward modal change

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-12

Initial work on other engineering products

gilbert - 2020-03-12

commit changes MQteRefRmUdw

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-12

policy engineering fixes

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-12

kendo-grid integration phase

gilbert - 2020-03-11

commit changes updateFirePolicy

gilbert - 2020-03-11

commit changes fire updates

gilbert - 2020-03-11

merge conflicts policy modal

gilbert - 2020-03-11

commit changes fire model

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-11

fixes for engineering CAR and EAR

kwaku - 2020-03-10

claims settlement phase 3

Selom - 2020-03-10

Minor label changes in claims

kwaku - 2020-03-10

added documents to claim payment head

Selom - 2020-03-10

claim estimate document finished

kwaku - 2020-03-10

publishing changes

gilbert - 2020-03-10

commit changes policyModal

gilbert - 2020-03-10

commit changes FirePolicyUpdates

kwaku - 2020-03-10

claim restructuring end of phase 2

Selom - 2020-03-09

started claim estimate document

Selom - 2020-03-09

yearend processing worked on

kwaku - 2020-03-09

removed pay type from settlement model

kwaku - 2020-03-08

claim settlement restructuring phase 1 complete

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-07

no changes

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-05

kendo grid integration

kwaku - 2020-03-05

single receipting prevailing rate change bug fix

jctoni - 2020-03-05

migration fixes

gilbert - 2020-03-05

commit change policyModal updates

gilbert - 2020-03-05

commit changes updateFireUnderwritings

Selom - 2020-03-04

year end processing work 50percent

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-04

grid.jqGrid fixes

kwaku - 2020-03-04

minor changes

Selom - 2020-03-04

period currency, designation mapper fixed

kwaku - 2020-03-04

added period check to positng method

Selom - 2020-03-04

period currency add record validation fix

kwaku - 2020-03-04

added previous period check to period processing

Selom - 2020-03-03

work on period curriencies still 95 % donepending edit.

gilbert - 2020-03-03

commit changes PolicyModel

gilbert - 2020-03-03

commit changes coverDiscloadFireUIUpdate

Eric Kobby - 2020-03-03

integration partially working.

Selom - 2020-03-03

period currencies update fixed in js

kwaku - 2020-03-03

rename refactoring

gilbert - 2020-03-03

commit changes update period add method

Selom - 2020-03-03

Period Currencies progress, linked to period

kwaku - 2020-03-03

removed sibabi and stardb projects

gilbert - 2020-03-03

changes period setup

kwaku - 2020-03-03

minor changes

jctoni - 2020-03-03

reports stablization

Selom - 2020-03-03

Minor Change.

gilbert - 2020-03-02

commit changes period setup

Raphael Yaadar - 2020-03-02


kwaku - 2020-03-02

translation posting

Selom - 2020-03-02

Work on period Currencies Setup.

gilbert - 2020-03-02

commit changes QuoteUpdate

Selom - 2020-03-02

finished signature document source setup pending further testing.

kwaku - 2020-03-02

claim summary page setup

kwaku - 2020-03-01

month end processing in progress

kwaku - 2020-03-01

month end processing

Selom - 2020-02-28

Worked on Signature Document source Setup

Selom - 2020-02-28

Roslved issue of model changes pending migrations added new migration for that.

Selom - 2020-02-27

Label Changes and Country Lovs in travel policy

gilbert - 2020-02-27

commit changes updateFireQuotePremiumProper

gilbert - 2020-02-27

commit changes quoteCoverDiscCalculation

Selom - 2020-02-26

designation setup finished pending minor changes

Selom - 2020-02-26

work on designation setup

gilbert - 2020-02-26

commit changes updatesQuoteModel

gilbert - 2020-02-25

commit changes quote personal accident quote updates

Selom - 2020-02-25

minor changes on fleet upload motor modal.

kwaku - 2020-02-25

enum casting

Selom - 2020-02-25

Motor fleet upload worked on.

kwaku - 2020-02-25

gl transaction processing page modifications converted account transaction detail excel upload type to enum

kwaku - 2020-02-25

Added cross currency to account transaction details excel template

kwaku - 2020-02-25

added template download for account transaction details

kwaku - 2020-02-24

single receipting workflow restructure

Selom - 2020-02-24

Liability Worksmen compensation changes, made changes to grid and risk field

kwaku - 2020-02-24

  1. bug fixes for account transaction saving 2. Customer payments filtering bug fix

kwaku - 2020-02-24

single receipting bug fix

Selom - 2020-02-24

Changes to Liability Worksmen Compensation.

kwaku - 2020-02-24

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-02-24

receipt posting bug fix

jctoni - 2020-02-23

Changes to Accounts Receipts Vs

jctoni - 2020-02-23

Report for Account PVs

jctoni - 2020-02-23

Changes to Travel and Workman compensation, Accounts Settings and Single receipting

kwaku - 2020-02-23

policy premium commission bug fix report server restructuring and bug fixes

kwaku - 2020-02-23

resolved exchange rates conversion for policy fee amounts

kwaku - 2020-02-22

accounts transactions bug fix policy underwiritng currency conversion bug fix

kwaku - 2020-02-22

resolved build error for account posting restructuring

kwaku - 2020-02-22

minor changes for accounts receipr

kwaku - 2020-02-21

customer payments stabalizations with structural changes to claims and policy approval and confirmations as well as posting

Selom - 2020-02-21

Feature #368 finished NIC API configuration setup, resolved issue with sbu lov not loading for other policies.

Selom - 2020-02-20

added setup for api integrations, solved sbu modal issue on other processes

kwaku - 2020-02-20

deployment changes

kwaku - 2020-02-20

fallout migrations

kwaku - 2020-02-20

publishing changes

kwaku - 2020-02-19

claims statbilizations

Selom - 2020-02-19

Feature #370 Added SBU LOV to policy header form

kwaku - 2020-02-18

document viewer bug fix

Selom - 2020-02-18

Conflict resolution reference not seen

kwaku - 2020-02-18

motor claim stabalization

Gilbert - 2020-02-17

Bug #358, Feature #369 resolved

kwaku - 2020-02-17

claim diary bug fixes

kwaku - 2020-02-17

Feature #354 changed chassis validation switch from a button to a checkbox Feature #353 changes registration number validation switch from a button to a checkbox

gilbert - 2020-02-17

commit changes updatedFireQuoteTable

Kwaku - 2020-02-17

commit changes updateQuoteFireProductdiscloading

kwaku - 2020-02-17

fixed sequnce call

kwaku - 2020-02-16

publish changes

kwaku - 2020-02-16

Resolved Feature #354 Users can now override validation for chassis number

Gilbert - 2020-02-14

Bug #362 worpked on bug no 362 and 358. in progress

kwaku - 2020-02-14

Feature #361 Added additional questionnaire Feature #360 Added engine number to motor risk form Feature #357 Added vehicle color to motor risk form Feature #359 Added cover not to motor risk form

Kwaku - 2020-02-14

commit changes fire quote discount loading setup

Gilbert - 2020-02-13

finished vehicle number Validation setup. blacklist finished

kwaku - 2020-02-13

sql server data migration

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-13

vehicle no validation changes corrected

Gilbert - 2020-02-13


SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-13

vehicle number val setup changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-13

changes made to vehicle number validation setup

Kwaku - 2020-02-13

commit changes QuoteUpdateColumn

Kwaku - 2020-02-12

commit changes update quotes global

kwaku - 2020-02-12

star db migration

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-12

vehicle number validation added check code val

kwaku - 2020-02-12

fire bug fixes

kwaku - 2020-02-12

fire and ri bug fixes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-12

work on vehicle number validation setup.

Kwaku - 2020-02-12

commit chages migrations

Gilbert - 2020-02-12

commit changes quote setup updates

Gilbert - 2020-02-12

commit changes UpdateQuotesAddNarratioColumn

Gilbert - 2020-02-12

commit async changes add narration

Kwaku - 2020-02-12

#32 further work on customer blacklist form. progress made

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-12

little error corrected customer blacklist setup

kwaku - 2020-02-11

  1. added time to datepicker for policy header and risks 2. Resolved issues with fetching policy claims and payment at underwriting. 3. Fixed short period calculation bug 4. Added Vehicle number registration setup 5. Refactored vehicle number registration validation in motor underwriting form to use setup.

Gilbert - 2020-02-11

commit changes quotation models

Kwaku - 2020-02-11

migration added and merge issues resolved

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-11

32 customer blacklist form add field for level of severity and attach files

kwaku - 2020-02-11

publishing changes

Gilbert - 2020-02-11

commit changes

kwaku - 2020-02-11

minor changes

kwaku - 2020-02-11

added method to retrieve the application base url

Gilbert - 2020-02-11

commit changes GA check update

Gilbert - 2020-02-10

commit changes general accident update

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-10

limit of cover changed to limit per occurance

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-10

Gap 9 sum assured changed to sum insured

Gilbert - 2020-02-10

commit changes

Gilbert - 2020-02-10

commit changes bundle

kwaku - 2020-02-10

service manager public changes

kwaku - 2020-02-10

service manager publishing change

kwaku - 2020-02-10

added download of signatures

kwaku - 2020-02-10

publish changes

kwaku - 2020-02-10

  1. signature feature setup 2. lgoin redesign

kwaku - 2020-02-09

added signature library to project

Gilbert - 2020-02-08

commit changes

Gilbert - 2020-02-08

commit changes Customer update

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-07

Feature #333 specific functionality now appears on the page for Document Type Set-Up, Payment Mode Set-up.

Kwaku - 2020-02-07

renewal bug fixes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-07

Feature #334 Short Period and Clm payment refactored succesfully

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-07

Feature #334 Checklist Setting refactored suc

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-06

merge issues resolved

Gilbert - 2020-02-06

commit changer service manager

Gilbert - 2020-02-06

commit changes

Gilbert - 2020-02-06

commit changes

Gilbert - 2020-02-06

commit changes customer setup recreate update

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-06

removed afew del buttons

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-06

Feature #334 Exchange rate setting refactored search amended.

Gilbert - 2020-02-06

commit changes service manager

Gilbert - 2020-02-06

commit changes customer page update

Gilbert - 2020-02-06

commit changes

Gilbert - 2020-02-06

commit changes customer setup refactor

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-06

Feature #334 Currency, District and Location setting refactored succesfully.

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-06

Feature #334 refactioring on ares done succerfully.

Kwaku - 2020-02-06

renewal processing review

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-05

Feature #334 office and region refactored succesfully

Gilbert - 2020-02-05

commit changes

Gilbert - 2020-02-05

commit changes policy changes

SELOM NYAKU - 2020-02-05

Feature #334 country and company refactoring succesfully done.

Gilbert - 2020-02-05

commit changes policy header restructure

Gilbert - 2020-02-04

commit changes service manager

Gilbert - 2020-02-04

commit changes

Gilbert - 2020-02-04

commit changes customer update

jctoni - 2020-02-04

added logic for period end processing

Gilbert - 2020-02-04

commit changes updates underwrittings function global js file

Gilbert - 2020-02-03

commit changes presentation day bugs fixes

Gilbert - 2020-02-03

commit changes update policy modal update

Gilbert - 2020-01-29

commit changes

Gilbert - 2020-01-29

commit changes fixes

Gilbert - 2020-01-29

changes commited bug fixes

Gilbert - 2020-01-29

commit changs policyModel update

Gilbert - 2020-01-29

commit changes fixes to issues

Gilbert - 2019-12-30

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-12-30

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-12-30

changes commited

Gilbert - 2019-12-22

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-12-22

update to suppliers tables

Gilbert - 2019-12-20

workflow update publish

Gilbert - 2019-12-20

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-12-20

service manager changes

Gilbert - 2019-12-20

invoice work flow update

Gilbert - 2019-12-19

changes commited

Gilbert - 2019-12-18

changes commited to master-publish

Gilbert - 2019-12-18

conflicts resolved

Gilbert - 2019-12-18

merg conflict resolved

Gilbert - 2019-12-18

Merger Check Test conflict resolved

Gilbert - 2019-12-18

update bug fix

Gilbert - 2019-12-18

Bugs resolved

Gilbert - 2019-12-02

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-12-02

TaxModel commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-11-25

commited changes resolved

Gilbert - 2019-11-25

commit changes master-pub

Gilbert - 2019-11-25

updated SupplierModel

Gilbert - 2019-11-25

changes commited

Gilbert - 2019-11-25

updates InvReg

Kwaku - 2019-11-20

Resolved feature #235 for commission management Resolved feature #285 petty cash management with workflow

Gilbert - 2019-11-18

commit changes Invoice

Gilbert - 2019-11-17

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-11-17

updates to Invoice registration

Gilbert - 2019-11-13

changes Service Manager

Gilbert - 2019-11-13

changes commited

Gilbert - 2019-11-13

changes commited

Gilbert - 2019-11-12

changes after dbUpdates

Gilbert - 2019-11-12

changes commited

Gilbert - 2019-11-12

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-11-12

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-11-12

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-11-12

changes to Master-publish commit

Gilbert - 2019-11-11

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-11-11

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-11-08

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-11-08

commit changes

Gilbert - 2019-11-08

committed changes

Kwaku - 2019-11-08

account transaction matching bug fix

Gilbert - 2019-11-07

Migration changes Updates

Gilbert - 2019-11-07

commited changes

Gilbert - 2019-11-07


Gilbert - 2019-11-07

Changes to customerTypeIntemediary Commission

Kwaku - 2019-10-30

receipt commission un matching bug fixed

Kwaku - 2019-10-30

Receipt commission processing forward transactions fully functional

Gilbert - 2019-10-24

commit completed

Gilbert - 2019-10-24


Gilbert - 2019-10-24


jctoni - 2019-10-24

Workflow and Layouts changes

Kwaku - 2019-10-23

Feature #235 1. Completed system accounts transaction types setup 2. Web api routing bug fix

Gilbert - 2019-10-23

fixed funtional roup bug

Gilbert - 2019-10-23

Changes committed

Gilbert - 2019-10-23

webConfig changes

Gilbert - 2019-10-23

changes resolved

Gilbert - 2019-10-23

Chalnges to web config

Gilbert - 2019-10-22


Gilbert - 2019-10-22

Resource not found

Gilbert - 2019-10-22

Merge conflict resolved

Gilbert - 2019-10-22

Resource not found fixed

Gilbert - 2019-10-22

Changes committed

Gilbert - 2019-10-22

changes resolved

Gilbert - 2019-10-22

changes resolved

Gilbert - 2019-10-22

Debug set to true

Gilbert - 2019-10-22

Current changes for publishing

Gilbert - 2019-10-22

Policy modal fixes

Gilbert - 2019-10-22

Bugs fixes

Kwaku - 2019-10-20

reffactored namespaces for the entity models

jctoni - 2019-10-20

Reports for PVs and RVs

Gilbert - 2019-10-18

changes resolved

Gilbert - 2019-10-18

Changes resolved

Gilbert - 2019-10-18

Edmx Issue on master

Gilbert - 2019-10-18

Resolved Changes

Kwaku - 2019-10-17

  1. added petty cash to work space 2. started work on system transaction types

Gilbert - 2019-10-16

EDMX changes

Gilbert - 2019-10-16

Publish to cloud

Gilbert - 2019-10-16

changes to serviceManagerInitial

Kwaku - 2019-10-16

Resolved Feature #233 Petty cash management completed

Gilbert - 2019-10-16

saving user inputs on policy updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-10-15

Feature #241

Gilbert - 2019-10-15

#Bug resolved

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-10-14

Feature #241 - updates

Gilbert - 2019-10-14

#Feature 248 Bug resolved

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-10-11

Feature #241 - added payment notifications at underwriting form

Gilbert - 2019-10-10


Gilbert - 2019-10-10


Raphael Yaadar - 2019-10-10

Feature #241 - added qrcode generation and hubtel api solution

Gilbert - 2019-10-10

Quotes Issues fixed

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-10-08

Feature #241 - updates

Kwaku - 2019-10-08

Feature #233 Cash request approval completed, working on account transaction integration

Gilbert - 2019-10-08

Quotation Issues Fixed except motorQuote

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-10-07

EPayment apis

Kwaku - 2019-10-07

Feature #233 Petty cash management 1. Added dependency injection 2. Added repository auto scaffolding 3. Configured sibagen to use SIBACORE framework

Gilbert - 2019-10-07

service manager changes

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-10-04

Feature #232

jctoni - 2019-10-03

migration changes

Kwaku - 2019-10-03

Feature #233 petty cash disbursement UI and workflow completed

Kwaku - 2019-10-03

Feature #233 CRUD and approval functionality successfully implemented

Gilbert - 2019-10-03


Gilbert - 2019-10-02

Feature #231 policyMotorAutoSaveInprogress

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-10-02

Feature #232 - Motor renewal processing and renewal notices

Gilbert - 2019-10-02

Feature #231 redirect to return url

jctoni - 2019-10-01

Added SibaGen Report server and stimulsoft reports

Gilbert - 2019-09-30

merge latest fill from master

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-30

Feature #232

Gilbert - 2019-09-30

#228 feature Quotation changes

Gilbert - 2019-09-27

Feature #228 QuotationSearchGridPRobFixed

Gilbert - 2019-09-27

feature #228 laterChanges

Gilbert - 2019-09-27

Feature #228 QuotationMotor, Fire, Travel completed

Kwaku - 2019-09-27

Resolved Feature #230 Completed partial renewal for motor Account transaction review in progress

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-26

Feature #222 - Engineering

Gilbert - 2019-09-24

Feature 228 QuotationModification&ErrorFixing

Gilbert - 2019-09-24

hp computer commit

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-24

Feature #222 - General Accident

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-24

Feature #222 - Personal accident

Kwaku - 2019-09-24

Resolved Feature #216 Suspension Endorsement completed Feature #230 Partial renewal for motor in progress

Gilbert - 2019-09-24

Feature #228 EnginneringQuote

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-24

homeowner and aviation underwriting changes

Gilbert - 2019-09-20

Feature #228 Marine Ouotation

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-20

Feature #222 - Aviation

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-20

Feature #221 Feature #222

Gilbert - 2019-09-19

Feature #228 bond quotation

Gilbert - 2019-09-18

Feature #228 Quotation Liability

Gilbert - 2019-09-18

Feature #228 general Accident Quotation

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-17

Feature #222 - liability

Gilbert - 2019-09-14

Feature #228 Personal Accident

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-13

Feature #222 - Bonds underwriting

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-11

Feature #222 - travel underwiting

Kwaku - 2019-09-11

policy modal changes

Kwaku - 2019-09-11

Resolved Feature #217 Fleet upload fully functional

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-11

Feature #222 Travel

Gilbert - 2019-09-11

Feature #228 Database, UI updates

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-10

no changes

Kwaku - 2019-09-10

Feature #217 1. restructured fleet upload controller to use sibacore excel upload utility 2. added risk fees to fleet upload data

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-10

travel underwriting changes

Gilbert - 2019-09-10

Feature #193 update

Kwaku - 2019-09-09

policy modals changes

Kwaku - 2019-09-09

Feature #217 working on policy risk summary, currently facing an circular reference issue

Gilbert - 2019-09-09

Resolved Feature #227 Forgotten password functionality finally resolved.

Gilbert - 2019-09-06

Authserver UI property renaming fixed

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-06

travel quote setup

Kwaku - 2019-09-06

publish profiles clean up

Gilbert - 2019-09-06

In Progress Feature #227 Finished with the UI and Backend, just left with code refactoring

Kwaku - 2019-09-05

script changes for minification

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-05

account formula changes

Kwaku - 2019-09-05

Resolved Feature #209 Audit functionality fully setup and functional

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-05

account formula changes

Gilbert - 2019-09-04

Resolved Feature #209 auth server fully completed

Gilbert - 2019-09-04

Feature #214 User profile completed

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-04

Feature #181 Feature #200

Gilbert - 2019-09-04

UserProfile Initial

Kwaku - 2019-09-04

Feature #209 restructured saving of policy information to help track changes for auditing.

Raphael - 2019-09-04

UserProfile Interface in progress

Gilbert Kwame Adu - 2019-09-03

SibaGen updates

Gilbert Kwame Adu - 2019-09-02

pull commit

Kwaku - 2019-09-02

Feature #209 added audit models for accounting

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-09-02

Feature #200 - Account setup

Kwaku - 2019-09-01

Resolved Feature #209 completed audits for underwriting and claims. test

Gilbert Kwame Adu - 2019-08-30

Feature #202 Completed with interface

Kwaku - 2019-08-30

Feature #208 encryption of user session data fully setup

Kwaku - 2019-08-29

Feature #204 auth server successfully integrated into sibagen

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-08-29

fixed currency issue, chabed UI for customer setups, changed calculation for VEH_SI_BC

Gilbert Kwame Adu - 2019-08-28

Feature #192 Authserver configuration CRUD interface completed

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-08-28

Feature #189 - Policy/Claims/RI number structure

Kwaku - 2019-08-27

  1. Feature #194 user management fully tested and functional. 2. Feature #198 two factor authentication fully setup and functional

Kwaku - 2019-08-27

  1. Feature #195 auth server login fully functional 2. Added swagger api docs

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-08-26

Feature #183

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-08-26

Feature #182 Customer merger

Kwaku - 2019-08-26

Feature #194 added check for changes at application rights

Kwaku - 2019-08-26

Feature #194 User management setup completed pending full testing. Added a new base address for auth server and api end points in service manager. Removed previous user setup relationships.

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-08-26

Feature #180 customer blacklisting

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-08-23

Feature #178 - Periodic Exchange Rates, Feature #190 - Production Budget Upload Feature #191 - Collection Budget Upload

Raphael Yaadar - 2019-08-23

added production budget model and backend

Raphael - 2019-08-23

made changes to exchange rate model and form

jctoni - 2019-08-22

Customer management, UI update

Kwaku - 2019-08-22

Feature #188 Document setup successfully reviewed and is fully functional

Kwaku - 2019-08-22

  1. workflow inbox actions completion 2. claim diary saving bug fix 3. claim estimate risk saving bug fix 4. MSSQL server database context and migration setup

Raphael - 2019-08-20

fixed issues with treaty setups

Seth Baffuor - 2019-08-19

made changes to country backend setup

jctoni - 2019-08-14

policy schedule

Kwaku - 2019-08-14

last minute changes

jctoni - 2019-08-14

Update of UI and Client Statement

jctoni - 2019-08-14

Client Statement and UI layout updates - Toni

Kwaku - 2019-08-14

receipt posting wording correction

jctoni - 2019-08-14

Layout changes

jctoni - 2019-08-14

Loging redirection Fix

Kwaku - 2019-08-14

claim register file uploads

jctoni - 2019-08-14

Stimulsoft Report and UI updates

Raphael - 2019-08-14

self service issue fix

Raphael - 2019-08-13

changes to selfservice policy search

Raphael - 2019-08-13

made changes to selfservice

Kwaku - 2019-08-13

fleet upload stabilization

Raphael - 2019-08-13

made changes to quotation for motor and fire

Kwaku - 2019-08-12

  1. claims payments stabilization.

Kwaku - 2019-08-10

claim audit file viewing fully functional

jctoni - 2019-08-10

Insurance Homepage UI changes

Kwaku - 2019-08-10

claim audit with workflow

jctoni - 2019-08-08

Redesing of login and dashboard

Raphael - 2019-08-05

updates to selfservice

Seth Baffuor - 2019-08-05

General Changes made on service.manger.js file

Raphael - 2019-08-05

made changes for self service

Kwaku - 2019-08-05

claim workflow process

Raphael - 2019-07-24

fixed issue with

Raphael - 2019-07-23

no changes

Kwaku - 2019-07-23

is process check for policy

Raphael - 2019-07-23

added renewal payments confirmation

Kwaku - 2019-07-23

receipting for epayment

Raphael - 2019-07-22

added selfservice endpoints

Kwaku - 2019-07-18

workflow notification inbox/outbox completed for policy underwriting

Kwaku - 2019-07-15

restored workflow functionality

Raphael - 2019-07-15

connection string update

Kwaku - 2019-07-15

disabled workflow handlers

Raphael - 2019-07-15

no changes

Raphael - 2019-07-15

no changes

Raphael - 2019-07-15

update to Raph.config

Kwaku - 2019-07-15

workflow integration for policy underwriting

Seth Baffuor - 2019-07-15

General changes on service manager.js

Seth Baffuor - 2019-06-27

Changes made to claims to handle popup of inputs

Kwaku - 2019-06-27

functional group menu fix

Kwaku - 2019-06-25

external adjustment setup functional

Seth Baffuor - 2019-06-18

Made changes to the underwritings and the claims to have a popup modal for a single page

Kwaku - 2019-06-18

  1. external adjustments setup 2. moved entities to separate project 3. added project for star db migration

Kwaku - 2019-06-12

motor policy period endorsements fully functional

Seth Baffuor - 2019-06-12

overall changes modal non-navigable web pages to all underwriting

Kwaku - 2019-06-05

bug fix for full cancellation endorsement ri premium negation

jctoni - 2019-06-05

document viewer call for policy search controller

Kwaku - 2019-06-05

motor policy underwriting bug fixes - commission reversal bug fix

Seth Baffuor - 2019-06-04

worked on new form setup for homeOwners, PaIndividual,Fire, and PaGroupNamed

Kwaku - 2019-06-03

policy motor bug fixes for policy search fill global method bug fix for policy confirmation

Seth Baffuor - 2019-06-03

Added Claim diary setup

jctoni - 2019-06-01

policy modals change

Kwaku - 2019-06-01

method name refractoring fac placement restructring part 1

jctoni - 2019-06-01

added sibasuite project single form for motor capturing

Kwaku - 2019-05-27

renewal setup for motor

jctoni - 2019-05-27

Restructuring of RI grids

Kwaku - 2019-05-27

added missing columns to vehicle risk model

jctoni - 2019-05-27

underwriting restructuring

Raphael - 2019-05-24

added master setups for marine

Kwaku - 2019-05-24


Seth Baffuor - 2019-05-23

added claim diary and budget upload

jctoni - 2019-05-23

Reports updates

Kwaku - 2019-05-23

added cat check to claim xol aportionments

Raphael - 2019-05-22

policy modals

Raphael - 2019-05-22

fixed issues with marine cargo, hull. Added fire location covers

Raphael - 2019-05-22


Kwaku - 2019-05-22

last minute changes

jctoni - 2019-05-22

reports updates

Kwaku - 2019-05-22

fire underwriting issues fix

Raphael - 2019-05-22

fixed issues on claims

jctoni - 2019-05-22

Update of Report fortmarts

Kwaku - 2019-05-22

added hubtel sms integration

Kwaku - 2019-05-21

engineering EAR structure setup

Raphael - 2019-05-21

fixed issues with pa, ga, ho, ga_prof claims

Raphael - 2019-05-20

made changes to ga cashintransit

Seth Baffuor - 2019-05-20

added cash in transit partials

Kwaku - 2019-05-20

z-index ordering

Kwaku - 2019-05-20

engineering CAR underwriting form stabalization

Raphael - 2019-05-20

fixed issues with general accident

Raphael - 2019-05-20

fixed isses in general accident

Kwaku - 2019-05-20

engineering contractor all risk underwriting form setup

jctoni - 2019-05-18

stimulsoft report and schedules

Kwaku - 2019-05-18

save global function

Raphael - 2019-05-17

added eng grid, made changes to excess for motor and fire

jctoni - 2019-05-17

customer documents setup

Kwaku - 2019-05-17

policy changes

Kwaku - 2019-05-17

underwriting controller

jctoni - 2019-05-17

Update of Fire Policy Schedules

Raphael - 2019-05-16

minor UI change to underwriting agent modal

Raphael - 2019-05-16

applied limits to approval controllers, made wholesale changes to underwriting forms setup scripts

Kwaku - 2019-05-16

engineering restructuring

Kwaku - 2019-05-15

motor endorsement stabalization

Raphael - 2019-05-15

added number generation and made changes to motor underwriting

Luther - 2019-05-15

fixed duplicate modals in claims

Kwaku - 2019-05-15

expense estimate recoveries crud setup

Luther - 2019-05-15

added partials to claims

jctoni - 2019-05-14

worked on: 1. general ledger report 2. income statement yearly 3. income statement periodic 4. statement of financial position 5. trial balance

Kwaku - 2019-05-14

claim expense settlement recoveries

Luther - 2019-05-13

added partials to Home Owners and Marine

Kwaku - 2019-05-13

claim expense settlement crud

Raphael - 2019-05-10

no changes

Raphael - 2019-05-10

applied global underwriting grids and functions to fire, ga, pa, marine, engineering and homewoners

Luther - 2019-05-09

Added partials to Personal accident, general accident and engineering

Raphael - 2019-05-09

general accident commit

Kwaku - 2019-05-08

  1. Settlement claim recoveries posting to accounts

Raphael - 2019-05-08

underwriting fire commit

Raphael - 2019-05-08

uderwriting motor commit

Raphael - 2019-05-08

no changes

Raphael - 2019-05-08

underwriting globals motor

Luther - 2019-05-07

added partials to Fire policy page

jctoni - 2019-05-06

added account adjustments views

Kwaku - 2019-05-06

policy document viewer setup for motor policy

Luther - 2019-05-06

policy partial setup fully functional

Luther - 2019-05-06

manual changes to the migrations

Kwaku - 2019-05-06

  1. added claim recoveries to settlement 2. added update of claim recoveries 3. added user error feedback utility 4. added UpdateEach Linq extension method

Raphael - 2019-05-06

fixed issues in pa individual form

jctoni - 2019-05-04

minor changes

Kwaku - 2019-05-04

  1. added Add and AddRange to linq extension methods 2. Replaced script refferences at account layout with script bundles

Kwaku - 2019-05-03

Conditions and clauses code recoveries

jctoni - 2019-05-03

added get file token service to underwriting global service

jctoni - 2019-05-03

document viewer for policy files

Kwaku - 2019-05-03

  1. created date format utility to centralize how date formats are setup. 2. Tweaked how renewal endorsement work. 3. posting of proportional and non-proportional treaties to accounts.

Luther - 2019-05-02

added conditions and clause form

Kwaku - 2019-05-02

posting of claim estimate recoveries to accounts

Raphael - 2019-05-02

included missing user rights files

jctoni - 2019-05-01

Stimulsoft reports updates

Kwaku - 2019-05-01

project changes

Kwaku - 2019-05-01

renewal changes to policy transactional and history tables

Raphael - 2019-04-30

underwriting file upload

Raphael - 2019-04-29

fixed motor policy issues

BICTECH - 2019-04-29


Raphael - 2019-04-29

sync changes

Kwaku - 2019-04-29

fixed linq extension bug

Raphael - 2019-04-29

added fac placement flag to user limits

Kwaku - 2019-04-29

  1. siba ui framework update 2. added bundling and minification 3. added async rest methods

Luther - 2019-04-26

Added authentication page

Kwaku - 2019-04-26

  1. fac placement removal of negatives 2. claims processing bug fixes

Kwaku - 2019-04-23

  1. SIBAGEN solution restructuring 2. premium receipting stabilization

jctoni - 2019-04-19

Added Document viewer

Kwaku - 2019-04-19

premium receipting cross currency check

Raphael - 2019-04-16


Kwaku - 2019-04-16

premium receipting email notification bug fix

jctoni - 2019-04-15

No changes

jctoni - 2019-04-15

WorkFlow changes

Raphael - 2019-04-10

receipting fix

Kwaku - 2019-04-10

underwriting, claims bug fix posting to gl validation for underwriting

Raphael - 2019-04-10

premium receipting email alert

jctoni - 2019-04-09

policy reversal changes

Raphael - 2019-04-09

claim fire fix

jctoni - 2019-04-09

policy underwriting bug fix

Raphael - 2019-04-09

claim issue fixes

Kwaku - 2019-04-09

removed approval check

jctoni - 2019-04-09

gl report

Raphael - 2019-04-09

fixed issue with claims motor

Kwaku - 2019-04-09

user limits validation bug fix

Raphael - 2019-04-09

changes to approval limit checks

Kwaku - 2019-04-09

new login

Raphael - 2019-04-08

user rights validations

Kwaku - 2019-04-08

Data migration projects setup

Raphael - 2019-04-08

work on claims replication, user rights and functional groups setup, motor underwrting changes

Kwaku - 2019-04-05

Data migration prooject setup

jctoni - 2019-04-05

posting validations

jctoni - 2019-04-05

Accounts transactions update for cross=currency

jctoni - 2019-04-04

Payment mode changes

Kwaku - 2019-04-04

cross currency bug fix

jctoni - 2019-04-04

Workflow updates

Kwaku - 2019-04-04

cross currency accounting transactions

jctoni - 2019-04-04

Reversal JV changes

Kwaku - 2019-04-04

bulk upload for account transaction account detals

BICTECH - 2019-04-02


Kwaku - 2019-04-02

premium receipting bug fix

jctoni - 2019-04-02

Poilcy schedules and Workflow changes

Kwaku - 2019-04-01

unknown changes migration

jctoni - 2019-03-29

Migration update

jctoni - 2019-03-25

Glogbal settings disabled

Raphael - 2019-03-13

added claims homeowners controller, made changes to claims for other products

Kwaku - 2019-03-12

  1. change side menu icons 2. added scroll bar to side menu 3. minor ui changes

Raphael - 2019-03-11

made changes to claims for home, pa, aviation, bond, oil and gas

jctoni - 2019-03-11

Full screen for Motor form

BICTECH - 2019-03-08


Raphael - 2019-03-07

added global functions and grids setups for claims

jctoni - 2019-03-05

Full screen Changes to Treaty and RI

jctoni - 2019-03-04

Undit changes

Kwaku - 2019-03-04

full screen for bootstrap modal

Raphael - 2019-02-28

latest changes and issue fixes

Raphael - 2019-02-22

no changes

Kwaku - 2019-02-22

git repo commit fix

Raphael - 2019-02-22

fixed issues with claim salvage

Kwaku - 2019-02-22

fixed claim approval

Kwaku - 2019-02-22

minor changes

Kwaku - 2019-02-22

Added engineering other migrations to regenerate missing table in database

Raphael - 2019-02-21

made changes to salvage management

Kwaku - 2019-02-20

payment mode transaction document

Raphael - 2019-02-20

made changes to claim salvage

Kwaku - 2019-02-19

policy payment work in progress

Raphael - 2019-02-18

added conditions and clauses tab to motor, fire and travel made changes to salvage management

Kwaku - 2019-02-18

policy premium payment setup

Raphael - 2019-02-15

Added conditions and clauses for travel

Kwaku - 2019-02-15

Estimate details migration

BICTECH - 2019-02-14


Kwaku - 2019-02-13

re instatement feature setup

Raphael - 2019-02-13

changes to salvage approval, fixed issues with travel underwriting

jctoni - 2019-02-13

added salvage log migrations

Kwaku - 2019-02-13

posting of claim estimate details to gl compleated

Raphael - 2019-02-13

work on salvage management

Kwaku - 2019-02-10

motor risk modal fix

Kwaku - 2019-02-10

claim estimate bug fixes

jctoni - 2019-02-10

full modal testing

Kwaku - 2019-02-08

CAR stabalization

Kwaku - 2019-02-08

  1. added engineering controllers 2. setup engineering relationships in ef

jctoni - 2019-02-08

adding engineering

Raphael - 2019-02-07

engineering changes

jctoni - 2019-02-07

nsia demo changes

Raphael - 2019-02-07

engineering changes

Raphael - 2019-02-07

fixes to motor salvage form

Kwaku - 2019-02-07

claim estimate setup for fire

jctoni - 2019-02-06

added ri location combination migrations

jctoni - 2019-02-06

Edited reports

Raphael - 2019-02-06

fixed RI grid population on search for motor

Raphael - 2019-02-06

made changes to motor prem calculations

Kwaku - 2019-02-06

motor claim done

Raphael - 2019-02-05

made more changes to underwriting forms

Raphael - 2019-02-05

made changes to policy underwriting

Kwaku - 2019-02-04

claim confirmatoin and approval functional

jctoni - 2019-02-04

Additom NSIA policy Docs

Kwaku - 2019-02-03

fixed claim payment confirmation bug

Raphael - 2019-02-03

made changes to policy underwriting: reinsurance and coinsurance

Kwaku - 2019-02-03

claims confirmation functionality setup

Kwaku - 2019-01-26

claim settlement review

jctoni - 2019-01-26

Adding Stimulsoft Reports for Policy documents printing

Kwaku - 2019-01-23

claim estimation cover history check

jctoni - 2019-01-23

added stimulsoft connection strings

Kwaku - 2019-01-23

claim esimation processing, work in progress

Raphael - 2019-01-23

made changes to dashboard

Kwaku - 2019-01-21

claim estimate redesign

Raphael - 2019-01-18

Made changes to the dashboard

Raphael - 2019-01-16

made changes to dashboard

Kwaku - 2019-01-16

claim estimation checks

Kwaku - 2019-01-14

claim estimation setup review

Raphael - 2019-01-11

Added Checklists, Surveyor and Driver details to claims form.

Luther - 2019-01-10

salvage and short period upload working fully

Kwaku - 2019-01-10

FAC placements setup fully functional

Luther - 2019-01-10

added short period and salvage

Luther - 2019-01-09

edited motor policy

Luther - 2019-01-09

added claim salvage

Kwaku - 2019-01-09

possible fix for stack overflow bug

Kwaku - 2019-01-07

treaty, co insurance and underwriting changes

Raphael - 2019-01-07

added Checklist setup and checklist to motor claims, made changes to dashboard, queries.

Luther - 2019-01-07

added salvage and short period views

Raphael - 2019-01-04

web config changes

Kwaku - 2019-01-04

merge issue fix

Kwaku - 2019-01-04

resolving merge issues

Luther - 2019-01-04

added migrations

Luther - 2019-01-04

added migration

Kwaku - 2019-01-04

GIT migrations

Raphael - 2019-01-04

added new dashboard, made changes to functional groups, applied user limits, made changes to searching.

Luther - 2019-01-04

add file uploads to claims and completed treaty setup

Kwaku - 2019-01-04

fac placement apportionment changes

Kwaku - 2019-01-02

added reversal feature for treaty arrangement setup

Kwaku - 2019-01-02

treaty arrangement fully functional

Raphael - 2018-12-28

added queries

Raphael - 2018-12-28

added policy, claims and vehicle queries

Kwaku - 2018-12-27

  1. added location fields 2. fixed motor underwriting ri apportionments

JOY - 2018-12-27


Luther - 2018-12-28

added files modals to policy products

Raphael - 2018-12-27

Added Unknown migration

Luther - 2018-12-27

added virtuals to some models

Kwaku - 2018-12-27

added commit changes migration

Kwaku - 2018-12-24

fac out setup

Luther - 2018-12-24

fixed search for ReInsurance and users

Luther - 2018-12-21

fixed searches in javascript

Luther - 2018-12-21

added foreign keys

Luther - 2018-12-21

fixed search apis

Kwaku - 2018-12-21

converted project from code first from database to code first from model

Kwaku - 2018-12-20

  1. fixed fire ri apportionments 2. update fac placement setup

Luther - 2018-12-20

fixed search enpoints

Luther - 2018-12-19

Initial commit

Luther - 2018-12-18


Luther - 2018-12-17

Signed-off-by: Luther

Luther - 2018-12-17

setup commit

jctoni - 2018-12-17

Add project files.

BICTECH - 2018-07-09


Kwaku - 2018-07-09

Renewal endorsement feature setup

kwaku - 2018-05-23


BICTECH - 2018-05-23


kwaku - 2018-05-22


kwaku - 2018-05-16


BICTECH - 2018-05-14

Update on policy forms

BICTECH - 2018-05-11


BICTECH - 2018-05-04


kweku - 2018-05-03


BICTECH - 2018-04-25


kwaku - 2018-04-25


BICTECH - 2017-11-23


kwaku - 2017-11-20


BICTECH - 2017-11-20

RI Treaty Updates

BICTECH - 2017-11-19


BICTECH - 2017-11-16


BICTECH - 2017-11-14

Endorsement Report

BICTECH - 2017-11-13

G.L, Endorsement report

kwaku - 2017-11-13


kwaku - 2017-11-09


kwaku - 2017-11-09


BICTECH - 2017-11-09


BICTECH - 2017-11-09


kwaku - 2017-11-09


kwaku - 2017-11-09


kwaku - 2017-11-09


BICTECH - 2017-11-07


kwaku - 2017-11-01

Minor changes

BICTECH - 2017-10-30

CAR updates

BICTECH - 2017-10-26

Contractor All Risks

BICTECH - 2017-10-25


BICTECH - 2017-10-10


BICTECH - 2017-10-02

Claims estimation, settlement, policy wordings

kwaku - 2017-10-01


jctoni - 2017-09-29

report designs

kwaku - 2017-09-29

GL Posting bug fix and multi selection of transaction details to post

kwaku - 2017-09-20

policy wording pdf file download

BICTECH - 2017-09-19

Products updates

kwaku - 2017-09-18

claim approval bug fix

kwaku - 2017-09-18


kwaku - 2017-09-09


BICTECH - 2017-09-07


BICTECH - 2017-09-06


BICTECH - 2017-09-05


jctoni - 2017-08-15

update of dashboard

BICTECH - 2017-08-14

Claims, Policy Products

BICTECH - 2017-08-06


kwaku - 2017-08-05


BICTECH - 2017-08-05

Products updates

jctoni - 2017-08-05

dashboard reports changes

kwaku - 2017-08-05


BICTECH - 2017-08-02

Product updates

jctoni - 2017-08-01

stimulfsoft for General Ledger, Trial Balance and integration of report designer into siba Gen

kwaku - 2017-08-01


BICTECH - 2017-08-01

Policies updates

BICTECH - 2017-07-23

Policy updates

BICTECH - 2017-07-22


BICTECH - 2017-07-21

Products premium to customers

BICTECH - 2017-07-18

Bond Policy

jctoni - 2017-07-17

reports setup

kwaku - 2017-07-17

minor change

kwaku - 2017-07-17

account transaction is bullet proof

BICTECH - 2017-07-17

Policy dates & Claims

kwaku - 2017-07-16


kwaku - 2017-07-14

underwriting changes for ebdorsement

BICTECH - 2017-07-14

Claims, Debit &Schedule

BICTECH - 2017-07-14

Motor Schedule & Cert

kwaku - 2017-07-14


BICTECH - 2017-07-12

Claims & Products updates

kwaku - 2017-07-12

full cancellation fully setup

BICTECH - 2017-07-11

Policy updates

BICTECH - 2017-07-11


jctoni - 2017-07-11


BICTECH - 2017-07-11


jctoni - 2017-07-11

changes for cubic capacity

jctoni - 2017-07-11

adjusted premium setup

kwaku - 2017-07-11

user account update feature setup

BICTECH - 2017-07-11

Policies reports

jctoni - 2017-07-11


BICTECH - 2017-07-10


jctoni - 2017-07-10

motor changes for final testing

BICTECH - 2017-07-10


BICTECH - 2017-07-09


BICTECH - 2017-07-09

Accpttype controller

kwaku - 2017-07-09

minor changes

jctoni - 2017-07-09

minor underwriting validations

BICTECH - 2017-07-09


kwaku - 2017-07-09


jctoni - 2017-07-08

no major changes made

BICTECH - 2017-07-08

Claims & RI

BICTECH - 2017-07-06


jctoni - 2017-07-06

stifmulsoft and other changes to Motor form

kwaku - 2017-07-06

policy listing report

kwaku - 2017-07-06

policy endorsement implementation - not fully setup yet

BICTECH - 2017-07-06

Receipt redesign, Policy schedule updates

BICTECH - 2017-07-05

Schedules updates

jctoni - 2017-07-04

stimulsoft changes

kwaku - 2017-07-04


kwaku - 2017-07-04


Kwaku - 2017-07-04

Initial commit

jctoni - 2017-07-04


BICTECH - 2017-07-04

Receipt, PV & JV

jctoni - 2017-07-03

no change commit

kwaku - 2017-07-03

Account transactions finalizations

BICTECH - 2017-07-03


BICTECH - 2017-07-03

Home owners' schedule

jctoni - 2017-07-03

new changes

BICTECH - 2017-07-03


BICTECH - 2017-07-02

Products Confirmation

jctoni - 2017-07-02

minor changes

kwaku - 2017-07-02

account transaction setup

BICTECH - 2017-07-02

Product Conf

jctoni - 2017-07-02

stimulsoft changes

kwaku - 2017-07-02

risk cover update

BICTECH - 2017-07-02

Products Approvals

BICTECH - 2017-07-01

Pol State on Products Approval

BICTECH - 2017-07-01

Policy Display No..

kwaku - 2017-06-30


jctoni - 2017-06-30

account receipts review and gl setup

BICTECH - 2017-06-30

Motor & Schedules

kwaku - 2017-06-29


BICTECH - 2017-06-29


kwaku - 2017-06-29

discount and loading setup

jctoni - 2017-06-29


BICTECH - 2017-06-29


kwaku - 2017-06-29

discount and loading underwriting setup

BICTECH - 2017-06-29

Product Excess

jctoni - 2017-06-29

New changes

kwaku - 2017-06-29

uat publishing updates

BICTECH - 2017-06-29

Product excess

jctoni - 2017-06-29

UAT consolidation

kwaku - 2017-06-28

policy unconfirm setup

jctoni - 2017-06-28

motor policy bug fix

jctoni - 2017-06-28

motor bug fixes

BICTECH - 2017-06-28

Motor Risk

kwaku - 2017-06-28

policy forms minor bug fixes

jctoni - 2017-06-28

endorsement setup changes

BICTECH - 2017-06-28


kwaku - 2017-06-28


BICTECH - 2017-06-28

Bank Setup

jctoni - 2017-06-27

minor bug fix

kwaku - 2017-06-27

gl posting fully functional

BICTECH - 2017-06-27

Offices & Users

jctoni - 2017-06-27

latest update

kwaku - 2017-06-27

login and user sessions fuull setup

kwaku - 2017-06-27

user login, functional group and user rights setup

BICTECH - 2017-06-27


kwaku - 2017-06-27

receipt printing setup

BICTECH - 2017-06-26


jctoni - 2017-06-26

Multi push and pull

kwaku - 2017-06-26

receipt setup completion

kwaku - 2017-06-23

minor change

kwaku - 2017-06-23

receipt setup updates

jctoni - 2017-06-23

sibagen repository initialization

JC Toni - 2017-06-23

Initial commit